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2009-04-08 ... 7:29 p.m.

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One PK book done on a sunshiny day

What a beautiful weather day it was today. It did indeed rain quite a bit last night, but not at all this morning. It was quite sunny, with a few clouds, and not the grey overcast morning that had been predicted. It got pretty windy this afternoon, though.

Work was ok, although I did make a big mistake today. I actually had the chance to get my PK (product knowledge) book done for garden, and since I had been talking about it with the DH and one of the cashiers, I assumed that she heard me say I was going to get my book from my locker and finish it. She didn't so they didn't know where I was. When I came back to tell them I was going to lunch, I realized it was after the 5-hour mark (which is a REALLY big no-no there) so I just told the manager I forgot to punch out, and took a short lunch. Oops.

But I did get my PK book done, so when I can finish another one, I will get $100 on my check. Woot! Just another way to make money there.

And I had a visitor at work today! Poolagirl was in the neighborhood, and dropped by to see me. Of course, I was BUSY outside the entire time she was there, but after I finally punched out, we went to IHOP for coffee and fries. We talked about her upcoming trip to Iowa and a few other things, and then it was time for her to go to another meeting.

I headed back toward home, stopping at Henry's and Von's to pick up brownie making supplies, and found a surprise in the mail for me, from Bluesleepy! Coffee and lemonade! Woot!! I'm definitely having that coffee tomorrow morning!

My upstairs neighbor, the guy who had issues where I parked, was out grilling some chicken. He and his girlfriend have not been getting along very good lately, and I'm not sure if she is still there or not. He left for at least one night, and there was some other guy upstairs who gave him his "stuff".... but it wasn't enough that he moved out. He was back last night. Things have been pretty quiet. His door is just about above mine, and he keeps it open all the time, so I can hear pretty well what he's talking about. It doesn't help that he's a pretty loud guy in general, running down the steps and talking loud. (I'm waiting for him to fall down the steps) His arguments and phone conversations are pretty hard to miss, unless I'm in my bedroom.

I really don't miss having those arguments of my own. There is a definite advantage to living alone.

Blue was not at work today, and I think she is off tomorrow too, so I won't see her until Saturday! Apparently my little snit the other day surprised the hell out of everyone there. I told Etta that it takes a while for things to get to me, but when they do, I let my feelings be known... and that considering Blue is "the boss" she sure wasn't doing a great job of it that day.

And Maria cornered me this morning begging me to talk to the manager about Blue, and her attitude. I don't intend to do that, because I would go to Norma first. Besides, I am TOTALLY in the middle between those two. Neither likes the other, and I don't really want to get involved.

Movie watching continues.. tonight is Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure!

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5 comments so far

princesscee - 2009-04-09 03:36:12
"Bill... strange things are afoot at the Circle K..." Dude, I love that movie. My oldest brother made us watch it about five times one week during summer vacation. Party on, dudes!!!
Rosie - 2009-04-09 07:38:18
Bill and Ted went to San Dimas High School, which was like, in the town I lived in when my eldest was born. Holy crapola, that's been almost 30 years ago.
Poolie - 2009-04-09 14:19:51
Nothing like fries and coffee, eh?
terri t - 2009-04-09 16:36:04
that was a good cover for the missed 5 hr mark thing and you will get some $$ for the PK book too. Glad you got to have coffee and fries with Poolie...bet that was fun. I think you are smart not to get into the middle of any thing about Blue...unless a supervisor asks you, why put yourself out there. I am sure they know what is going on and it is just a matter of time before she goes too far...
Cosmic - 2009-04-10 02:50:28
When I was working, we had a person that used to say to me, You ought to tell the boss this or that. Those people love to load the gun with the bullets, but they want you to fire the gun. No good can come of it. You will be known as the office snitch. You are wise to keep quiet unless it has something to do with you personally.

Did you miss a piece?

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