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Pieces of You


2008-12-12 ... 7:09 p.m.

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I have achieved greatness!

I have achieved a modicum (neener) of success in my quest for cashier perfection. A customer today called me a "pain in the ass"! I was so proud! Heh!!

He kept asking me if he could get cash back from his credit card. It was a Discover card, and I have never seen one prompt for cash back, but I told him he could try. He said he always could do it in the grocery stores. Whatever.

So he slid his card, and when I asked for his ID, he told me it was his wife's card. Ummm I think not. I informed him that he couldn't use it, that it had to be HIS card, whereupon he called me a PITA and stormed out the door. Poor guy.

I'm kind of thinking it was a stolen card, or he is divorced or something. There was no way I was letting him use it, and since I know I have backup on that, I didn't feel bad about it at all. It rather made me laugh!

I needed the laugh too, because it was crabby customer afternoon today. I don't know if it's Christmas coming up so quickly, or the weather, or the economy or what, but a lot of customers today were cranky.

Doesn't matter, they aren't at my house, and I'm hoping they will be in better moods tomorrow.

I think the store walkthrough by the corporate bigwigs went well today. I overheard the security guy telling our security guys things.. I wish I could have listened more, but I had to stay at the register. Bummer.

We are having some issues with registers and PIN pads not working correctly, or in some cases, not working at all. I just hope I am out in garden or the tree lot tomorrow so I don't have to deal with the POS registers. That's Point Of Sale, not Piece of S***. Well, that's how we are SUPPOSED to think of them, anyway. Hee!

Time to get something to eat. It sure is nice to come home laughing!

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10 comments so far

Diane - 2008-12-13 04:47:44
In Massachusetts about 20 years ago a spouse could use their spouse's credit card as if it was their own unless you specifically wrote a letter forbidding them to use it to the company in charge of the credit card. My Ex screwed me a bunch of times that way. I hope the law has changed but no matter what, good for you!
Erianne - 2008-12-13 06:48:16
They could do that in Missouri, too...back when it was a community property state. My first husband left me $10,000 in debt and I didn't know a thing about it until the actual hearing in divorce court. Sucked big time.
FairyGodMum - 2008-12-13 11:02:46
When I was at the "Big K" people tried to use phoney credit cards and fake money all the time. They'd yell and scream and go out kicking when the police arrived to take them away in hand cuffs. tee hee Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum
l\'empress - 2008-12-13 13:43:32
There is a modicum of satisfaction in being able to tell people off when they need it. And thank you all for reminding me that, whatever else my husband may do, he never stole my money.
Carolyn - 2008-12-13 14:01:28
I am going to begin using the code word PITA for everyone who comes into my world being a pain in the ass. I will giggle every time I do it. I will not explain what it means. Because I'm mean like that. It's the little pleasures in life you have to appreciate!
Paula - 2008-12-13 17:30:26
Hi Beanie...it's been a while since I've been around the ol blogosphere...too much going on, too little time...but I've been thinking of you all and popped in to catch up with you. Glad you had a great visit with your daughter. Looks like San Diego does Christmas right...lots of lights and festivals. I've been thinking about you alot lately, our area has been experiencing colder than usual days and lots of ice and snow...then I think...lucky Nancy..she escaped.
Shippie - 2008-12-13 18:51:45
Being called a PITA is indeed, one of the highest compliments one can receive. I got called a C$#* once by a woman who was raging out of control, and it actually made me smile, given the situation. lol You go girl.
terri T - 2008-12-13 21:36:46
When you can leave work with a smile or laughing....it's been a good day. Hope the next are equally as good and you don't have to call Security too many times on someone. LOL
Blue Opal - 2008-12-13 23:12:29
It's such a trip to read what you write now - having a low-stress personal life really makes a difference in your professional life, doesn't it?
Starkitten01 - 2008-12-14 18:24:11
SO funny because I read POS registers and the first thing I thought was piece of sh*t! LOLOL!

Did you miss a piece?

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