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Pieces of You


2009-04-14 ... 4:23 p.m.

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Today in usually sunny San Diego, it was a grey morning when, out of the blue, Rose Bush, (aka Rosaceae) violently and viciously attacked an innocent cashier at the Depot of Home!

Rose Bush was seen to leap out at our intrepid cashier (name being withheld to protect the innocent) during a routine inspection before being moved to a new location.

"I wasn't doing anything unusual," the cashier stated. "I was just making sure Ms Bush was healthy and had all her necessary tags before leaving to go to her new home. She just attacked me with no provocation or reason. I was gentle with her, and I don't understand why she did this!"

The cashier is no stranger to work injuries, having had previous runins with knives and carts and all other sorts of dangerous equipment. "It's just one of the hazards of the job, I guess." the cashier stated. "I've had injuries before, but never this unexpected."

The cashier sustained injuries to her hand and arm. No stitches were required, but bleeding was profuse and persistent.


Rose Bush could not be located for comment.

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11 comments so far

Poolie - 2009-04-15 00:12:50
Put out an APB!
Rebekah - 2009-04-15 01:05:46
I'm on your six, Poolie! (I like the phrase)

Domestic crimes canNOT be tolerated, even if HumanKind did the Domesticating.
Rosie - 2009-04-15 01:08:24
I just want everyone to know that in no way is Rose Bush related to me! She's related to that GW Bush, which explains the vicious and unprovoked attack! I will wager that when found, she will claim that you were hiding weapons of mass pruning and defoliants and other such lies.
art - 2009-04-15 01:13:18
im callin Gibbs from NCIS and he will put out a BOLO!!! we will catch the infamous Rose Bush!!
bluesleepy - 2009-04-15 03:51:50
Do you think you'll press charges??
Judith - 2009-04-15 05:36:23
That Rose Bush is one bad mother...
LA - 2009-04-15 13:31:42
Why is Columbo never around when you really need him? Hope your ouchies heal quickly. ~LA
michele - 2009-04-15 15:44:48
that is funny but not funny!
Joan - 2009-04-15 15:58:52
Apparently this was a male rose bush, because...he was being a bit of a ....here it comes...prick!
Paula - 2009-04-15 17:39:45
Joan's comment was so funny
terri t - 2009-04-15 18:21:03
I hope you filed a WC claim because in California, you might get over $160,000 like Octomom did for her injury at work.... I mean, you were stabbed repeatedly after all....

Did you miss a piece?

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