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Pieces of You


2008-11-13 ... 7:13 p.m.

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Where are you supposed to be?

You know how some mornings something reminds you of something you really don't want to remember, and it puts you in a bad mood? Well, I don't know what it was this morning that reminded me of this particular thing, but it was like a black cloud was over my head. I decided to just look at the scenery while I was driving and think about it, and then I listened to the song that was playing, and I heard "And I ain't got no worries 'cause I ain't in no hurry at all" And I realized, I'm not in a hurry, and I have no worries. So by the time I got to work, I was back in a good mood.

Today was a day that they had given me "extra" and I sure felt it. I was definitely extra today. First I was sent out to garden to relieve people for breaks. I had to wait until Carol got there at 11:30, and then the head cashier was going to come out and walk me inside. (We are not allowed to walk around the store with our tills alone, due to security issues, so we have to be "escorted".)Well, Carol came, but no one came to get me, so I took a break. It wasn't long after that they came out to get me. Heh.

Then I relieved people at two different registers for breaks, both at the contractor doors, and then I relieved Bob for his break. When he came back, I was supposed to go to lunch. He never came back.

About an hour after he left for his 15 minute break, I was sent to lunch. I got to the break room, and he was in there, obviously upset, and told me that he was fired. DANG!! I offered him a hug so he could calm down, but he said no, threw his stuff in his locker, and left. Usually when people are fired they walk them out, but he just left.

His till was still on the same register with mine (each register can hold two till drawers) until I left. He was crossed off the schedule for tomorrow, so I am wondering if they gave him the option to quit, or they would fire him.

I can only think (and Carol has told me) that it's because of the ESPs that he "sold", and then lied about it to the management. And I do believe he used the "I sold all those ESPs" as a way to get a better schedule and more hours. Sucks to be him.

Carol did say that with him gone, it just leaves more hours for us. Heh. I had to agree with her on that! I guess we will find out more eventually.

One of the other cashiers, a young guy, is in a coma in the hospital due to an asthma attack. He has been in a coma now for two days, and today his heart stopped. He is still alive, but no one at work really knows what's happening with him. I really feel bad for his mother! Well, him too, but all the mothers who read me know what I mean.

The last hour and a half of work I spent watching the self checkout area. That can be quite a challenge, as there are four checkout stations that one person has to watch. I finally was given another chore, and came back to find NO ONE at the self checkout, no employee, that is, and red lights flashing everywhere on the screen. So I just stayed there and waited until the head cashier came back. I guess it was the day to not be where you were supposed to be today.

At least I was where I was supposed to be!

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10 comments so far

Beyondpanic - 2008-11-14 03:55:23
Coma from an asthma attack? I never heard of that - so scary!!! Also, looks like you're going to be full time before you know it!
yankeechick - 2008-11-14 04:06:53
Whew!! What a day!! Tired me all out just reading about it.....although mine was relatively comparable. I'm going to bed!
liz - 2008-11-14 04:11:39
My day was kinda like that too. Complicated. I don't know if I have the energy to even write about it. At least I'm not in a coma, and I didn't get fired. Could be worse ;)
Sis - 2008-11-14 04:29:40
It's got to be the full moon!
Rattus Regina - 2008-11-14 04:39:20
Eesh...sounds like an odd day.
Shippie - 2008-11-14 05:13:22
He should have been fired. Glad to here the Depot holds people accountable.
Sherry - 2008-11-14 13:13:24
Dude....that's a heck of a work day.
Poolie - 2008-11-14 14:59:29
He was on borrowed time if he was pulling pranks like that.
Joan - 2008-11-14 19:58:45
What a day you had! I love watching people at the self check out counter...most of them are so pissed off because they THOUGHT it would be faster. No wonder you have to watch them... heh
Terri t - 2008-11-14 23:42:50
Bless you on the self checkout cashier station. Nearly everytime we try to use one, something goes wrong or won't ring up or something and then we are at the mercy of the cashier to come fix it. Of course, one cashier fixed it go good, we didn't even get charged for the item and didn't know it until we got home and checked our credit card but...whatever.

Did you miss a piece?

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