
psis - 2009-02-16 03:22:15
Too bad you can't get a permanent job of dog sitting there--looks like a neat place! I'm anxious to see that video but must get to bed--
Miss Hiss - 2009-02-16 03:53:07
I've seen the various versions of the Loose Change "documentary" on TV over the years, and have done an awful lot of reading and research about it since. It would seem that, while it was tremendously entertaining and certainly thought-provoking, it's unfortunate for the ultimate interests of Truth and Justice and The American Way that the film's content was also highly fanciful and, in many instances, entirely fictitious. There are plenty of websites and articles out there which critique, debunk and refute its allegations in a rigorous and step-by-step fashion, which are well worth reding. Some claims the film makes have merit, but many, many, many others do not. I'm not saying its conclusions are completely wrong, by the way, because I wouldn't know any more than anyone else -- including the filmmakers -- about that, would I? -- but whatever worthwhile claims it might have to make are sadly undermined by its myriad flawed, sloppy, inaccurate and outrageously unsubstantiated assertions along the way. Love, R xxx
Miss Hiss again - 2009-02-16 03:55:17
Um, that would be reAding. Damn my clumsy typin' irons. x
wordy - 2009-02-16 06:31:43
Thanks, Miss Hiss, I was heading here to say something similar to (but probably less eloquent than) that. Also, AWW that front kitty looks like a lot my kitty, right down to the stripey nose (except mine's stripe is pink rather than white)!
Crystal Balls - 2009-02-16 06:51:19
I don't pay much attention to the 9-11 videos any more. There are plenty of conspiracy theorists and terrorist claims and other conflicting information. I doubt the average American will ever know the whole truth. I'm not sure ANYONE knows the whole truth. I am sick that it happened and hope that for whoever was responsible, they are held accountable for their actions - whether in this life or in countless futures to come.
Poolie - 2009-02-16 14:54:10
Yeah....going home from work at 10:30 on a Sunday morning surely felt strange. Thanks for the birthday breakfast!
Blondeness - 2009-02-16 18:05:49
That pic of the dogs with their heads between the railings is so cute and hillarious! Do they ever get stuck? LMAO! The first one you pictured looks so much like a dog I used to have, named "Missy."
terri t - 2009-02-16 18:19:34
I have seen some of that video before and I can certainly understand why people get all caught up in the what ifs and whys of it all. I think there is a lot that the government does that we will never know but I don't think that this video has all the facts. Nice pictures of the dogs and cats. I looks like you had a great time with them. And bad daughter for scaring you like that.....
Betty - 2009-03-04 06:11:49
Also, when they set out to film it, they didn't buy any of it. They claim that "now, having done all this research, they believe", but I'm pretty sure that's just to sell it more. When I first saw it I freaked out a bunch, and then did a decent amount a research. This site is a little out of date, but excellent-

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