
Rosie - 2009-05-20 03:35:26
On a clear day you can see the Salton Sea! Maybe one of these days when I have a 4WD again, I will take you out to the other neat places out there, like Smugglers cave, and the Elliot Garnet mine. Them's mah stompin' grounds!
mpeacock - 2009-05-20 04:09:33
I have lived in a lot of places (Oregon 20 years, California 10 years, Belgium 3 years, Arizona 6 years, that makes me only 39, two missing years at sea...then? I guess longer in OR) but I think I am truly an Arizonian now. Yes, AZ is beautiful and I like to be warm.
wordy - 2009-05-20 06:02:10
i love arizona. my grandmother used to live there and from her stories, i grew up with a fondness even before i saw it - when i saw, i fell in love with it. my younger sis lived in southern AZ (in Paradise!) for a few years and she and my mom also lived near Flagstaff for a while. they both have nothing but good things to say about it.
LA - 2009-05-20 11:47:25
Thank you so much for the pics and wonderful descriptions! That country is about as 'not like here' as you can get and still be on the same planet. Were I there I'd be enchanted and a bit freaked at the same time, I am so very much of my place, you see, all that all the beauty and strangeness would knock me over. Thanks again! ~LA
words-4-less - 2009-05-20 12:10:38
I LOVE southern Arizona! The places you have been mentioning, Tombstone and Bisbee have a special place in my heart. I would love to move there when I retire.....or even sooner!!!!
yankeechick - 2009-05-20 12:50:21
During our short 5 years of 'retirement' when we were traveling so much, we would spend about a month (during March and April) in Arizona. It is truly a unique and beautiful place! And February in Yuma is wonderful as well. Much past those dates and a person could FRY! hot, hot, hot...One of my favorite places in AZ is Salt River Canyon. OMG! Sooo beautiful! Hope you get to venture there one day. Sounds like a great visit and terrific (if precarious ) drive home!
Poolie - 2009-05-20 13:12:06
I known you are drawn to the desert - and for good reason. Maybe when you become a best-selling author, you can move to Bisbee and enjoy all the beauty all the time!
Tempewytch - 2009-05-20 13:45:09
Stunning photographs, it made my afternoon looking at them! Thank you :-)
Jerry Cooper - 2009-05-20 16:48:43
sorry I don't have a url. plus why do you need one sign Jerry Eugene Cooper!
MFV - 2009-05-20 17:42:28
LA sent me here: hello! Beautiful pictures; I particularly liked the one of the tower. You make me want to visit the USA again, someday... J.
Paula - 2009-05-20 17:44:38
God I love Arizona..thanks for sharing the pictures...I forgot how beautiful it is.

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