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2009-04-02 ... 7:31 p.m.

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A talk with Norma about dishonesty

Today was a bit chilly and overcast. I don't think the sun came out at all. I was in the outside garden for all but about a half hour, and I wore my jacket for most of it. I try to keep it in the car so I always have it, but a lot of times I wear it home and then it's in the house. I was glad I came back in this morning to get it before I left for work.

Blue is still out for jury duty. And one of the other cashiers who is full time has been MIA this week. I haven't seen her even though she is on the schedule, but it's just possible she is either sick or out in the pit of despair event. I will see what I can find out tomorrow.

Norma came out to garden this morning to see how things were going out there, and we started talking a bit. She said she had a talk with Blue, and suggested that she calm down a bit when she's at work, so Norma is hoping that things will be a bit more mellow. I'm hoping too! I'm off on Saturday, her first day back, so we will see what she's like on Sunday. Sometimes that mellow wears off in a day. Heh.

And one of the cashiers who was fired for "attendance" I found out was actually fired for theft. He was working in returns, and returned an item and kept the store credit for it. It wasn't a customer's store credit, he just picked an item, scanned it, and pretended that it had been returned so he could have the store credit.

When he was caught, he said it was his "first time" but the Depot of Home didn't care, theft is theft and he was out the door. I told Norma that I had thought that would be a good way to make some extra cash, or even store credit, and I thought that's what Spike had done to get fired last November. (It wasn't) My question was that if the cashier had gotten away with it this time, he would likely have done it again. There are plenty of people looking for jobs who will be honest and not steal, to keep someone who is dishonest. It's too bad, I liked the guy and I am disappointed that he stole. Bummer.

I watched a couple of my movies yesterday, The Usual Suspects, which I will have to watch again when I'm not playing Pogo too, and Mouse Hunt, which was kind of corny, but funny. I have many more to go, and I'm trying to decide which I want to see tonight. I have so many choices!

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5 comments so far

cosmic - 2009-04-03 05:51:22
I always use to say that if I were going to risk my job, my reputation and possible jail time, I wouldn' mess with 10 or 20 dollars, I'd rob a bank and make it worthwile!
l\'empress - 2009-04-03 11:01:36
Cosmic has a valid point! Of course, in a bank robbery, you also risk your life. There are a lot of people who think they are entitled to whatever they want, and they don't care to wait until they can acquire it honestly. The role models they have aren't much better.
art - 2009-04-03 12:16:31
some folk are idiots. i hate thiefs. im one of the honest people that they can hire and know that thier money and store credit is safe! if i was the manager there, he woulda gotten more than fired!
terri t - 2009-04-03 20:58:09
I always wonder just how stupid employees are to believe they are going to get away with it.....it is always only a matter of time before they are caught. Glad that Home Depot does fire them immediately...otherwise they would have major trouble on their hands...as if they don't already. Sounds like you and Norma speak the same "language". Hope Blue isn't ultra uptight. I used to have a co-worker friend who talked ALL THE TIME... On Mondays, it was like she had been shut in a closet because she talked even faster than the other 4 days.
Rebekah - 2009-04-04 16:28:10
I'm agreeing with the "looking for jobs" part. My friend's ex husband hasn't worked for a few years and whines that he has no skills.

People who can't afford to have home work done for them are doing it themselves, which should increase the sales at places like the Depot. Which means more staff, even if it's not full-time. It can't be that hard to learn the shelves' stock to help out in the aisles, or to make the keys. I worked with a guy who had done the lawnmower and bike assembly at one of the chain retail shops.

People who won't steal could really use these jobs!!

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