MOVED!! Wait for a bit!!

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2008-07-01 ... 8:25 p.m.

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Moving is over!! Hooray!

Ahhh home at last. The really hard part of helping poolagirl and Roomie is over. Now comes the emptying of boxes extravaganza, of which I can be little or no help. I have things of my own to do.

Roomie graciously donated her computer desk to me, so I was able to get that put together tonight after I got home. Now I'm wondering if I put it in the right spot. It seems to me it might be better on a different wall. Hmmmm. Well, it will stay here until I'm ready to move it, which will be when I get some bookshelves, and decide where to put them.

I'll have to check at the Depot of Home for some of those put-together bookshelves, but I have mostly paperbacks, and there's usually so much space between shelves that it's kind of a waste of space. I guess I'll have to check them out and see what I can do.. or try to snag some from Freecycle or Craig's list. Decisions, decisions. I have time...

So I spent all day helping Poolie and Roomie finish off their move. There was just about a car-load full of stuff left in their house, when they told me we would have to unload and come back for it. However, my car still was waiting to be filled. I made sure that everything fit so that there would be no going back for just a few things.

As usual, I left first, while Roomie walked the dogs before following me. Poolie had to go drop off the keys, and pick up a yummy lunch so she got there last. By the time Roomie got there, my car was unloaded. However, I didn't have keys to get in, so I just piled things outside. It took Poolie a while to get there, so I worked on setting up a wireless connection in her house.

Yeah, I got it done. But it's never as easy as one thinks it will be. I've set up a couple of these, and they are all different. Poolie's computer worked fine, because it was the one wired to the router. Her laptop worked too, because it is fairly new. Roomie's computer was being a brat. It didn't want to connect, so I used the live chat feature for Linksys and got my answer. I was so hoping to just plug the things in and be done, but nooooooo. Oh well. It's working now!

Poolie took a nap to avoid having to go with Roomie and I over to Wally World. Roomie needed some things, and I just went along for the ride. Besides, I like to shop, even if I don't spend anything. At least now I know what to look for at the Depot of Home!

It's been a long weekend. I know it's Tuesday, but I've spent the past four days working and helping Poolie move. I've been up late and up early for the past four days, and I'm beat. I think tonight I will go to bed early and get up late. I work the rest of the week, so I'm going to take advantage of my Pogo day off. Woot!

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9 comments so far

wordwhore - 2008-07-02 03:49:43
I have set up 4 wireless networks myself and it never works the same way twice - even if you use mostly the same computers! Glad your chat session with Linksys went better than the time I tried. I swear I got the least helpful, most ignorant person they had on staff!
Blue Opal - 2008-07-02 06:32:33
Yeah, but isn't it great to come home without coming in to someone itching for a fight????
Carolyn - 2008-07-02 11:25:36
It must seem like you've done nothing but move since you left Cowtown! I would rather have a root canal without anesthesia than go to Wally World. Besides, given a choice, I ALWAYS choose a nap.
LA - 2008-07-02 11:57:45
I wish you could come here and set up my wireless, I'm hopeless with that kind of thing. But since you are a safe 3,000 miles thataway I guess you can relax and enjoy your day off without fear of being recruited! LOL! ~LA
Carrie - 2008-07-02 12:27:38
Your "one day off" doesn't seem as bad anymore as it did in Cowtown! Relax before the Depot claims you!
Rose - 2008-07-02 12:37:36
must feel so good to finally have everything unpacked and in its place. now you can have some down time before you start your new job. woot!
l\'empress - 2008-07-02 12:44:29
Back in the day, I kept my paperbacks in shoe boxes. I have noticed, however, that more and more shoe stores sell shoes w/o boxes. The other container that held paperbacks well was the deep style of tissue boxes. You could, if you were so moved, cover them with wallpaper scraps or contact paper; that would allow you to decorate while you made the boxes stronger. (You can usually put two levels of pb's on a bookshelf.
Poolie - 2008-07-02 14:08:04
Once again, you were a lifesaver!
Terri T. - 2008-07-02 17:55:09
it was nice that you got the computer desk and you will soon be getting settled in even more. I expect the first couple of paychecks will be earmarked for things you need besides paying bills. It's a brand new Day and a wonderful new world for you. I am enjoying it as you begin your new life. So far, you seem to be doing very well.

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