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2008-08-30 ... 3:53 p.m.

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Got up way too early today!

Oh man, what a horrible time to have to get up this morning! 4:30!! I was so tired. I kept yawning on the way to work, so much that my eyes were watering. But I must say, work was not too bad for about the first hour.

The store doesn't open until 6AM, so the first half hour we spent getting our tills together, (Me, May, and a new cashier, Billy) and generally looking for things to do. Since they clean the registers at night, we didn't have to do that. May gave me a project SHE was supposed to do, but it was simple, and I really hate just standing around and doing nothing.

The store opened at 6, and it wasnt very busy at all. It's a holiday weekend, and I wonder just how many people were still in town, and willing to do any work. It wasn't until about 11 that it started to pick up, but by then, I had already had lunch and my work day had only three hours left. How totally awesome!

It was busy the last three hours, but I was just too tired for the time to go fast. Sure not used to getting up that early anymore! Thankfully, tomorrow I work at 5:30, so I can get another hour's sleep in the morning... and I can get to bed earlier tonight.

I did have time to surf the "My Apron" part of the work website. I found out that to be full-time, an employee needs to work 12 consecutive weeks of 32 hours or more, and be willing and able to work the same amount. Those 12 weeks will be up for me the week before the JavelinaHunt.. So maybe by the time I get there, I will be employed FULL TIME with all the bennies! Woot!

But, I still have the week after next to worry about. I did, until Norma came in and told me that I was on the schedule that week for Tuesday and Wednesday, and 8-4:30! Woot!! That will be my 7th consecutive week of full time!

OK, enough about work. I was dead tired by the time I got home, but my sink was full of dishes, so I washed them, and napped a little. I'm way too tired to think about cooking something, so I might just treat myself and get something to go. It's been a long time since I've done that!

If only I can stay awake long enough to eat it... haha!

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6 comments so far

art - 2008-08-31 00:03:52
kudos to you!!! i hope you get the full time status!!
Shippie - 2008-08-31 01:19:34
wtg beanie. glad they are consistently giving you extra hours!
Poolie - 2008-08-31 03:52:28
You'll be the manager in no time!
Cosmic - 2008-08-31 04:50:47
I agree with Poolie.
Rosie - 2008-08-31 06:09:17
Don't you just hate it when someone comes into your nice, clean house and puts dirty dishes in your sink!!?? It happens to me all the time!
LA - 2008-09-01 01:31:10
Coolness! I'll do a little 'Fulltime Hours' dance for you since you're so pooped, okay? ~LA

Did you miss a piece?

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