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2008-12-22 ... 4:08 p.m.

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An unexpected day off

Well I was supposed to call into work today to see if they had any hours for me. But by the time I woke up and had coffee, it was already raining, which means the Depot of Home would be pretty dead, and I really didn't want to drive anywhere I didn't have to, so I just never called in.

I also figured that since I'm getting four hours pay for Thursday, that it wouldn't make that big of a difference if I had two other days off. It's kind of a Christmas treat for me, and for my sore feet. Walking around on the parking lot for the last two days has made them just a bit sore...

So I did my laundry, went to the bank, and then came home and did a few things around the house. I still don't have my last window done but I enjoyed having the day off. I still have some things to accomplish around here, as I never did get my kitchen table cleaned off. It might be a while for that!

But I'm looking forward to tomorrow off too, and hopefully it won't rain. Then I work a day, and have another day off. What a great schedule! Except the weekend I'm scheduled in returns... should be the busiest part of the store!

Well... off to find something for supper, and maybe get some things organized..

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4 comments so far

Carol - 2008-12-23 00:44:58
What a lovely day. Good for you.
Rebekah - 2008-12-23 03:44:13
Few things are as heavenly as coming in from chores on a rainy day and knowing that you don't have to go back out in it!

Do you ever go back to This Time Last Year to see how hard you worked and how much you shoveled? ;)
scotvalkyrie - 2008-12-23 19:01:48
I was also thinking about you last year and having to do all that Christmas baking! Cookies and buns and cakes and god knows what else . . . Yikes!
terri t - 2008-12-23 21:14:49
By now you should be nearly done with your day working and looking forward to another day off soon. It makes the week go by quickly I bet.

Did you miss a piece?

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