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2008-09-27 ... 7:00 p.m.

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Firefox, returns, and a new baby!!

I haven't quite given up on Firefox yet. This is a challenge I have to be able to win. Stupid computers. Anyway, I didn't lose my bookmarks, since the new Google browser, Chrome, got all of them from Firefox a couple weeks ago when I first downloaded it. Besides, I signed up for Foxmarks, which means that all my bookmarks are saved in Firefox, and all I have to do is get Firefox working and I will be able to get them all back.

The only reason I like Firefox so much is that it works the best with Pogo. Internet Exploder Explorer doesn't run as smoothly as Firefox does, and some of the games just don't work with Chrome. At any rate, acaldwell is generously allowing me to use his old computer that he left behind in Tombstone, so I will be picking that (and the monitor) up later in October.

I'm looking forward to that! The computer I have now is several years old, and much slower than Art's, so it will definitely be an upgrade. An upgrade I wouldn't be doing otherwise, so that was a nice surprise from Art.

I worked 10-6:30 today, and I was supposed to be in the garden, but I ended up in returns. I was glad of that, but it's a whole different ball of wax from being a cashier, and it took me a while to get back in the returns groove. Plus I was working with one of the younger cashiers, Missy, who is generally not very friendly, unless you happen to be male. Enough said.

But it all went well, and I am really getting the hang of it. I have a couple days in there next week, and then I will be closing one night the week after. Woot! Well... in a way, it's a woot thing, but in a way not. That means I have to stay till 11PM, but I do have the next two days off. And I'm getting my 40 hours, and not complaining about that either. Actually, Norma upped my hours next week too, from 36 to 40, so that's terrific!!

And everyone needs to congratulate l-empress on the birth of her first grandchild! She's a girl! Ha! And a beautiful one at that! Congrats to the whole family!!

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4 comments so far

bluesleepy - 2008-09-28 04:04:30
YAY for more hours!! And YAY for getting into your returns groove! You are going to practically own that Depot of Home in another few months. Heh.
Blue Opal - 2008-09-28 06:06:45
Hooray for more hours AND for the computer upgrade :D I wish I could see you in Tombstone but at least I'll be in (please God) a better work situation. So maybe NEXT year I'll get to go to our Diaryland convention. Maybe I'll even get to host it!!
art - 2008-09-28 13:14:11
maybe firefox 3 dont like your olden puter! YAY! for more hours!
Poolie - 2008-09-28 13:51:15
Hours are goooood! I should talk. I work WAY too many that I don't get paid for. Time for a new job for me.

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