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2009-03-16 ... 9:20 p.m.

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Fixing my floor and a walk

My morning started early, with a 6AM meeting at work. It was all about the big push on customer service, dress codes and that sort of thing. I get the impression we WILL be doing what they want us to, or we won't be working at the Depot. I don't foresee having any problem myself, but there are some people I think might be seeking other employment soon. Hmm.

I got out shortly after 8 and came home. By the time I got here, the plumbers and the building owner and his son were here.. all showing me their best side:

Well, at least some of them. They were already getting into it, and the head plumber decided he knew where the leak was. And he was right. The owner was amazed! They brought in the shopvac and jackhammer, and proceeded to make a hole in my floor...

He touched that pipe and it fell apart. I would have had GALLONS of water in my place if I hadn't called them last night. The owner was totally grateful that I didn't just let it go.. it saved him quite a bit of money.

So they dug out the entire length of the pipe, and found a ball valve on it, underneath the cement. That's a good place for a valve, don't you think?

The valve is on the right. It was decided that since this pipe was in such horrible shape, that the rest of the pipes are likely the same way, and that it's only a matter of time before they start breaking, one by one. Since this is the pipe that circulates the hot water throughout the building, it can be diverted and put outside so that future repairs will not require digging up someone's floor. Good idea!

They had to take out one part of the cupboard to check underneath it, and here is what my floor looks like now.

I didn't actually get to see how they repaired the pipe. I had another meeting, of sorts, with these two lovely creatures, Zoe and Ruger:

Their owner took us all out for a walk, to show me where and how to walk them, so I can dogsit them for longer periods of time. I will enjoy that!

The dogs were not in the mood for picture taking, all they wanted to do was run and sniff and play. Go figure. They had all this space to run around in (OK, just ignore the big rusty barrels):

And these big pipes to investigate:

By the time we finished up there, and I made it back home, the floor was just about finished. They still had to put the cupboard back together though, and that's what they were doing when I left them to leave for work.

I had to work until 8, and it was a long day. I was out in the event for a while, and then in outside garden, unable to get a garden associate to help me in either place. I let Norma know my frustration. For some reason it seemed like there was no one working today.

I am just glad to be home, and to have the next two days off. It was a long weekend!

Photobucket seems to be down, so I will post pictures of last Saturday night's concert tomorrow. I'm too tired to wait however long it will take for Photobucket.

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7 comments so far

Poolie - 2009-03-17 13:49:16
HUGE mess! Looks like you went to Fiesta Island!
Joan - 2009-03-17 16:31:48
That was a nasty mess! Hopefully you will get new flooring in your kitchen when they are done.
im2qt2kr - 2009-03-17 07:22:34
Are you sure that was a REAL plumber?? All the plumbers that I've seen always had the obligatory "butt-crack" thingy showing.
yankeechick - 2009-03-17 13:13:51
Oh my! What a mess! Perfect time to be the rentER and not the rentEE ;)
terri t - 2009-03-17 16:52:13
I hope you asked for some compensation for all the mess and inconvenience...You had already been cleaning up after the plumber the last time and then you had/have the problem with the oven and now the floor. I think you could ask for some credit on your rent to make up for this. It can't hurt to ask...you did save the owner a lot of money by reporting this problem quickly.... Hope the dog bonding helped you feel better. Sounds like Norma should be making you a supervisor at the very least for the suggestions and "smarts" you provide at the Home of Depot.
cosmic - 2009-03-17 20:25:07
im2qt2kr grabbed my idea. I was going to tell you to frame the pics of the plumbers and send it to Ripleys. 4 Plumbers in one room and no butt-crack. The 8th wonder of the world!!
psis - 2009-03-17 20:28:25
Thank God you weren't gone for a week! Do you know if the people downstairs from you saw anything or are you on the first floor--in that case why don't the pipes run in the basement??

Did you miss a piece?

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