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2009-04-26 ... 6:39 p.m.

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A garden day with Blue

Another day out in garden. Blue was at her peak form today, too. I have found that the best way to not be affected is to work at the far register, farthest away from her, and then not only does she not see me, and comment on what I am doing, but I don't hear a lot of what she says.

Trust me, it makes the day a lot easier.

Some of you commented that you were uncomfortable with the thought that Blue would call me about the HC interviews. Blue is, above all, a busybody, and she likes to be IN on all the good gossip. Unfortunately for her, she has a big mouth, and so no one tells her much. She and Norma ride to work together since they both live in another city, and it saves them some gas money and wear and tear on their cars. So they have nothing to do during their ride but talk.... I don't think Norma divulges things she shouldn't.. much... but there have been things that I've known that Blue hasn't. So I know Norma doesn't tell her everything.

Anyway, I was glad to get that call from Blue, or I would never have known that my first online application didn't go through. I would think Norma would have asked me about it, but it really doesn't matter much any more.

Blue keeps saying she was thinking of applying for that job, but she likes it out in garden too much to want to be a HC. Ha! I am much more knowledgeable about the store, where things are and how to find items on the computer than she is. I scored higher in the cashier olympics than she did, and she started three months before I did. She kind of makes it seem like all she has to do is apply, and she would get the job, but even I'm not a shoo-in.... since one of the people who is applying actually has worked a couple of days as a HC. I expect SHE will get the job, the question is if they are hiring more than one person.

So anyway, the schedule out in garden got all messed up today for two reasons: ONE: one of the registers was non-functional, and that only gives us three registers, and that's a big pain, having to switch drawers all the time.. and TWO: people don't stick to the schedule. Mostly they went on time, until Blue went to lunch. She was gone for an hour and then everyone else was late going for their lunches.

It kind of straightened out again, until about mid-afternoon, when we had too many people out there, and Blue spent her last half hour just straightening out parts of the actual garden department. It got busy, and she was more of a hindrance than a help.

She and Etta left, and I kept telling Bob that he needed to go to lunch, but he just really doesn't want to listen to me, and he left 15 minutes before his 5th hour, which meant that he wasn't going to be back before I left.

I know this will get noticed, since I now have overtime TWO days in a row. I can't just leave when there are two lines (mine and anothers) with four to six people in each line. It's not good customer service to just tell everyone that you're done for the day and leaving. So I stayed until I thought Bob would be back, counted out my till, and left. I had managed to clear out my line, and it was a good time to escape.

And escape I did. I walked over to the grocery store next door before I came home to pick up a few necessities (and a mark down bag of marshmallows for 50 cents!) Then home, and made myself some guacamole to go with my taquitos. Yum!!

I work the closing shift tomorrow, in returns, so I don't have to be at work until 2. I do need to talk to Norma about a couple of things, so she said we could do that, since she is closing too. I don't enjoy staying there until 10:30, but the later it gets, the more relaxed everyone in the store gets, so it's usually not too stressful. I do lots of clean-up stuff when I close returns, which is fine with me. I can make it take as long as I need it to. Heh.

I might actually stay up past 9PM tonight, since I don't have to be up early tomorrow. Wow. What a thought! Time to get out another movie.....

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4 comments so far

Rebekah - 2009-04-27 02:29:59
I'm not sure if I'm comfortable that you had a marshmallow sale and we didn't. seriously, not making fun of you.
psis - 2009-04-27 02:46:08
It always makes shopping fun when there is an unexpected mark down on something you were not looking for. Good luck with your job--things have a way of turning out for the best!
LA - 2009-04-27 11:05:29
Oy. I read marshmallows and then guacamole and for a moment thought the marshmallows were FOR the guacamole and almost hurled. Please don't tell me if there really is a recipe for Rocky Road Guacamole, I do NOT want to know! Heh. ~LA
terri t - 2009-04-27 16:20:45
Knowing how business savvy you are, I bet you will find a way to let Norma know why you had OT and that some people do not go to lunch when scheduled....I know you won't say anything about Blue's long lunch .... I just read a blog about bacon and chocolate chip cookies so I wouldn't have been surprised if the marshmallows were for the guacamole...

Did you miss a piece?

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