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2009-06-19 ... 6:00 p.m.

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Good and bad at work

I started this morning at 6, opening the garden area. It was so peaceful out there, hardly any customers. Just vendors bringing in their stuff, and I could just hang out and watch them. Heh.

I didn't have near enough coffee, though, so I was a bit fuzzy for the first half of the morning. It wasn't until after I had my break and ate my cereal and banana that I started waking up. But I did manage, even through the fuzz, to add on another day next week to my schedule.

Plus, when I looked at the new schedule, not for next week, but the week after, I saw that they actually scheduled me, Green and Brian for 40 hours! Woot! It sucks to have to scrounge up hours, so it's nice to have them scheduled. I'm not sure how long that will last, but I'm not complaining!

When Brian came in at 11:45, I mentioned to him that I was going to ask him to trade shifts with me this weekend, since I have the closing garden shift, which I hate. I realized this morning that he was off all weekend, so that just wasn't a possibility. He said that he had traded, and he was working at 8 both Saturday and Sunday, and he would be willing to trade!

So I got the paperwork all made out on my last break, found a manager to sign it, but he made me get it approved by the Head Cashier before he would ok it. Cripes! I spent my whole break getting the paperwork done, and I still had to copy it so that the HC tomorrow will know that we switched.

I went back to garden, and I was ringing up a fairly big order for an old guy who really wanted someone to talk to. He was bending my ear when the credits girl came and asked if he wanted to apply for a credit card, and get $25 off his order. Of course he says yes, so when I got everything rung up, I had to put it on hold, and start on the credit screen getting his card for him.

Well, he didn't know his social security number, or his phone number, so I ended up using his assistant's phone number, and he gave me his SS card so I could put the number in while he chatted with the credits girl. Yeah, this is holding up my register for at least 5 minutes, while the rest of the cashiers have lines and are pretty busy.

So we get to the end of the application, and he isn't approved. Credits girl tells me it's just a minor inconvenience (yeah, right) and so she says she can clear it up with a phone call. Nope. She has to go back to her office to make the phone call.

Meanwhile, I have pushed the guy off to the side, he is still talking to me on and on and on, and I am trying to ring up other customers. FINALLY Credits girl comes back and gives him his paperwork and says he's all done. I had done a markdown on a couple of his items that required me to have a duplicate receipt, but of course Credits girl didn't bring me one, and can't print one any more, so she tells me, "Oh, you really don't need one!" SINCE WHEN?? I would have gotten snotty with her if I wasn't busy with another customer, so I used the "hold" receipt in place of the duplicate I didn't have.

The next time CG comes out and talks to my customers, I'm putting the transaction on hold and telling her to take them inside, because I want no part of any more of these credits. There is no time in garden when it's busy to be doing this crap. If she wants to have customers, she can get them from someone else, not me. Grrrr.

So finally when we were all caught up, it was time for me to go. That was a good thing! I punched out, copied the switch papers, delivered them to the people who needed them, and left. That was by far the best part of my day!

I'm pretty tired though. I had to get up early, and now I work early (sort of) again tomorrow. But since I work at 5:30 on Monday morning, it's nice I am off work at 4:30, rather than 8:15. At least I can get some sleep this weekend and not be too sleep deprived on Monday morning!

Time for the dishes.... sheesh. At least there aren't many... oh, and there's a "for rent" sign on my building's management company sign. Also a good thing! I wonder what apartment it's for!!! Either one would be good... if it's for Noisy Neighbor, that would mean some peace and quiet and I can have his storage spot, or if it's for the other end unit opening, that means I can have the end parking spot! Woot! Either way, I win!

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1 comments so far

terri t - 2009-06-20 18:20:17
I had some good, bad and ugly but at my own house today. Suffice to say that husband isn't my favorite person and I KNOW I am not his today.... but this will pass

Did you miss a piece?

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