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2009-07-07 ... 10:48 p.m.

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Grocerying today before work

Well my two days of closing are over for the week, and although I really like closing returns, I can't say I'm sorry about that. It will be nice to get back to a somewhat normal schedule, and be able to get some sleep.

It was almost 1 before I got to bed, and just after 7 when I woke up, which is not nearly enough sleep for me. I managed to doze for about another hour, but there are neighborhood noises that keep me from sleeping too sound. Besides, I had a headache (I think from sleeping wrong) and the only way to get rid of it is to get up and drink coffee.

So I had breakfast and decided that I really did need to go grocery shopping, and get some water. I ran out of change at the water machine, and managed to leave an empty bottle there which was not there when I got back, so I will be likely buying at least one more water bottle. I use the filtered water for my coffee, so I go through it pretty fast.

I ordered a wireless mouse for myself, and one for Dude who got a new laptop (Thanks, PSis!) and found out that he actually GOT his laptop today, even though they told him they wouldn't be building it until August. Woot! I sent him a printer, and his laptop even came with a wireless router (I'm assuming so he can use both the computer and printer wirelessly) And yes, spell check, wirelessly is too a word!

Anyway, they already have wireless in the house, so I'm not sure he needs the router, but I suggested he keep it just in case. One never knows!

So.... my shopping was over, texting was accomplished, and it was time for work. No surprises today, although things went better than they did yesterday, possibly because different people were working before I got there, and things were much more organized. I like that!

The corporate offices in Atlanta, GA pick the music for all the stores. They had most of my favorites from the 70s playing after about 6PM. They had an awesome lineup, that just had me groovin' while I was working. The young head cashier and the girl in special services were both laughing at me. Hmph. At least I was enjoying it!

And as usual, I had everything finished, cleaned and looking good when I left. And now I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Definitely time for bed!

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2 comments so far

bluesleepy - 2009-07-08 14:46:32
When I worked at the fabric store, I was always singing along to the muzak. The customers giggled at me, but hey! It passed the time. Groove on, Beanie!
terri t - 2009-07-08 16:55:19
Sounds like you had a great day yesterday...hope today is equally as "groovy"'.

Did you miss a piece?

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