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2008-09-08 ... 9:02 p.m.

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Dogsitting is over.. back home again

So my dog sitting days are over for now.... until someone else needs to leave town. Actually, Gabi's owner is leaving for 10 days, but that's a bit too much for me, only because of the early hour the dog gets up. The two dogs I sat for this weekend (Reuger and Zoe) slept until I got up, and then wanted to eat before even going outside. Well, Reuger wanted to eat, Zoe went out, and then came in to eat.

I was microwaving some popcorn last night and the plate I was using broke in the microwave. Eek! I don't think it was a "good" plate, or I wouldn't have used it in the microwave. It did say "microwave safe" on the bottom, so at least I checked first. I left a note saying I had broke it, and that I would replace it, so I hope she's not mad. Oops.

I washed the sheets and towels, and brought all my stuff home. I had refrigerated food that I didn't want sitting in my hot car all day, not to mention my laptop, so I dropped it all off and then went back to sit with the dogs until it was time for me to leave for work. I hope their owners got home, because I left the door key inside the house, so I have no way of getting back in if they didn't make it home. But... I'm sure they would have called if they couldn't get back.

I worked out in the garden today, and it seemed like there was no one out there but us cashiers.. and I don't know yet where everything is, and people needed help with things that I just couldn't do. I can't leave the register to go to the other end and help someone with bricks... they weren't answering their phones, so where were they? Oh well. I'm home now, so it doesn't really matter any more.

I have to work kind of early tomorrow, so I will post my pictures in the afternoon instead of tonight. It's already late, and I still have things to do. I'm sure looking forward to my two days off!

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7 comments so far

Shippie - 2008-09-09 06:53:41
Enjoy the break! Sounds like you could use it! Too bad you didn't have two days off while at that gorgeous place and with those poochies.
Blue Opal - 2008-09-09 12:15:16
Awww - too bad the job's over. Sounds like for dog-sitting, that one wasn't too bad :)
fightn4life - 2008-09-09 13:08:32
I put a plate in the microwave that said, "micro safe" and it melted. Oh crap I thought. It didn't break but sure did look a bit odd not looking much like a plate any more. It didn't mess the oven up just changed the look of the plate. It was mine so I just laughed. I doubt any one could be unset with you...it wasn't like you shattered it on purpose. I used to be a Critter Sitter and loved it...Hum...maybe again someday if we ever move closer to civilization. Sandyz
Poolie - 2008-09-09 14:55:38
Margaret will be fine with it. Not to worry. Bryan won't even notice. LOL!
michele - 2008-09-09 16:39:24
i know you're better off where you are now and all of that, but i have to say that occasionally i miss the gorgeous pics you took back in CowTown. (not that your pics now aren't gorgeous; i'm just referring to the scenery)
psis - 2008-09-09 17:04:15
I never put a plate under the popcorn bag in the microwave--some microwaves have some hot spots and to be in for a long time can be really hard--as long as the plate wasn't from a treasured collection, she probably won't care at all. Enjoy your days off!
terri t - 2008-09-09 19:54:21
Sounds like the dog/house sitting went very well in spite of the broken plate...bet you are asked to do it again. Now I am thinking about microwave popcorn....and I don't have any in the house....

Did you miss a piece?

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