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2009-01-27 ... 4:46 p.m.

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Homer #2!

I really wanted to sleep later than 5AM this morning, but it is nice to get to work early and get it over with. I opened garden this morning, and it was nice, other than the fact that the heater was out of propane and I could see my breath for the first hour and a half.

I did a lot of sweeping during that time. The activity kept me pretty warm, and considering one of the co-managers of the store was in and out, it also made me look good and busy. Heh.

Once the sun came out and warmed things up, it was pretty nice outside. Between the amaryllis and the hyacinth, it really smelled wonderful out there, too. There are a lot of beautiful colors in the outside garden area lately. I'm betting that this weekend will be plenty busy out there, especially since someone told me it's supposed to be around 80 on Sunday. Woot! And I have the day off!

I was sitting in the break room, minding my own business, when the co-manager came in, and she was looking for me. Aargh!! It was to give me a Homer award, my second one! (The third is bronze, and comes with $50!) It was because a customer liked my service so much that she wrote a comment online, and mentioned my name. Hooray!! That was definitely a nice surprise!

Then I did something really stupid and took some American Express Gift Checks. They weren't counterfeit, but the computer system won't recognize them, even though they are supposed to be scanned like Traveler's checks. Apparently they were old, and that's why the computer didn't like them. The customer said she had a hard time finding places that would take them, and so yes, they were a few months old. It took about 20 minutes to figure it out, but at least the customer left happy. I'm sure she was glad to be rid of them! Oh well.

So I got to leave work at 2:30, avoid the traffic and just hang out here this afternoon, playing Pogo and dozing. I do need to get back to the packing tonight, and tomorrow, since I'm off. Only a little more than a week to go before moving!

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9 comments so far

DSis - 2009-01-28 01:42:07
Congrats on Homer #2 - you go girl!
psis - 2009-01-28 01:48:24
Congrats on #2--hopefully that lady that you got the American Express things from will give you the next one.
yankeechick - 2009-01-28 02:35:36
How cool to get another Homer award! Way to go! But that lady with the old AE checks.......if she was having trouble using them places, why wouldn't she just go to her/a bank and cash them? That sounds fishy to my 'bankers mind'.
Crystal Balls - 2009-01-28 02:39:24
Congratulations on the Homers! Good going! Here's hoping for a whole bunch of "#3" Homers for you.
Rosie - 2009-01-28 02:46:59
Whoo Hoo! for your second Homer award! I am getting the feeling that management is quite aware that you are a superior employee, and I'll wager the next time a full time position opens, you will be the next in line!
Sis - 2009-01-28 03:16:09
Keep that upward climb going! Congrats! Good luck with your packing.
Poolie - 2009-01-28 10:59:15
A Homer award! YAY! I knew you would rise to the top like cream!
Carrie - 2009-01-28 14:44:22
Wow, that's awesome! I'll have to remember that next time someone does something nice for me at the Depot. Congrats!!
terri t - 2009-01-28 20:15:59
congrats on #2 and I hope the American Express lady does write about you so you get the $50 and the #3 Homer honor. I bet you are getting anxious to get that move going too.

Did you miss a piece?

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