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2008-09-01 ... 8:39 p.m.

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A busy holiday

Just got home from work. Yeah, I worked 11:30 to 8, and while I am not thrilled with those hours, I could just be closing, and working until 10, or opening and working at 5:30. So I guess 11:30 isn't all that bad.

Last night was one of those rare occasions when I did not sleep well. I not only had trouble getting to sleep, but staying asleep. I'm not sure what it was.. if it was the double hammerhead coffee I had about 5PM or the chocolate Easter eggs I ate right before bed. I am going with the chocolate, since the coffee should have been long gone by midnight.. and that's the most chocolate I've eaten in one time since I moved here. And it wasn't even that much... maybe about 4 or 5 ounces. I do believe it was the sugar in it.. since it wasn't dark chocolate, but candy coated milk chocolate.

So I was a bit tired this morning when I woke up about 7. I needed to get up, because I did have things to do. I sure was glad I got my laundry done last night though! I really would not have wanted to do that this morning.

I had to make something for lunch. I have been having sandwiches lately, so it was time for something different. I decided to make a pasta salad. I cooked up the pasta, and put the ingredients in it, and got it all ready, packaged up, and all the fruit together for my lunch.

Well, when I got to work, I realized that the Assistant Managers put together a lunch for the employees who had to work. And although it wasn't my lunch break, I ate when I got there. Who could pass up carne asada? (It's kind of like a taco, but with avocado, salsa and grilled meat.. and lots of other goodies!) There were brownies, and popcorn, and free Coke and water. I stuffed my face before I even started work. I put MY lunch in the fridge for tomorrow!

It was unbelievably busy today. I was supposed to get my first break at 1:30, but didn't get it until 2:20. So I went back and had a few more carne asadas, and I slammed a Coke while I was back there. It was a good thing, because by the time I got my lunch break, there was no food left at all for us late workers.. they were saving the rest for the night crew, the people who started at 2PM or later.

And the customers were just WEIRD. I had one chick who wanted to write a check, and instead of a driver's license, gave me a photocopy of her California license. Well, even I know that's no good... and since the head cashier, May, had asked me to double and triple check her ID, I asked for something a bit more legal. She gave me an old, expired Minnesota license. I called May, and asked her to come check this out. It's nice to have the "boss" say no, then I don't have to feel like such a bitch. The chick was PISSED!!! I'm guessing the check was no good, and she was planning on selling the stuff she was buying. It was too busy to ask May why she was on to her before she even wrote her check. I will tomorrow.

Anyway then there was a man who was angry that I wouldn't let him use his wife's credit card. Like really, who would even try that? Some people....

Anyway, when I came back from my break, I went out to the garden department, since it had calmed down a bit inside the store, and they were getting ready for someone out there to leave. I eventually took my lunch break, and just had some popcorn and a Coke, because the carne asadas had pretty much satisfied me for quite a while. When my second break came around, I found that they were cooking again, so I had another two of them. These were really little; the tortilla was only about four inches in diameter.. but still delicious!

Let's just say that for the rest of the night, I was REALLY happy that I was out in the garden area, since there was some significant offgassing going on, and I was glad I wasn't inside.... enough said.

I finally got Norma to come out and take a strip from me (she took my extra money, get your minds out of the gutter!) and she appeared with Joe, one of the Assistant Managers. They stood out in the garden area and talked about how to keep things looking cleaner, and Norma even said that it was pretty clean right then. So, woot, because Joe knows that it was me that cleaned things up, I made sure of that! And there were two areas he wanted cleaned, so while I was waiting to finish up for the night, I cleaned one of them up. I'm hoping Norma will mention this to him, or else he might just go out there and look around again, and see it for himself. Heh.

So... at least I'm home now, and I don't work again until 11:30 tomorrow. I'm sure I will sleep much better tonight! And I have plenty of blogs to read.....

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8 comments so far

Miss Hiss - 2008-09-02 04:53:34
You mean you were in the garden area while Poola was inside emitting mercury gas from the cracks in her amalgam fillings? Love, R xxx
Rosie - 2008-09-02 05:06:32
That is very strange that May was already leery of that chick. Let us know what the deal is, OK? And of course, I used Josh's debit card, so it does happen... And while I love carne asada, it almost sounds like you had tacos al pastor, which is even yummier IMHO.
im2qt2kr - 2008-09-02 05:06:59
You were smart not to take the credit card of the man's wife. We had a client who got ripped off by her x-husband who, just before the divorce was final, reported a credit card she hardly used, as stolen, ordered a replacement and ran up a bunch of charges on it.
Mary - 2008-09-02 05:09:07
Gads, you're reminding me of tax season. Aren't people interesting?
fightn4life - 2008-09-02 10:21:41
Sounds like you had an interesting day...I agree some people cam be a bit strange. Hum...wonder if I am one of those. :) Husband used my credit card many times when I was working...I had no desire to watch him drool over mans tools at the hard ware store. LOL But you never know. Have a nice day at work today, Sandyz
Terri T. - 2008-09-02 19:11:05
Sounds like your day went well in spite of working....free Cokes, free food....time went by quickly... All good....
psis - 2008-09-02 21:55:06
Interesting how people think up all theses schemes to screw the system--you are becoming a pro at catching all these. Lunch sounded great!
Sis - 2008-09-02 23:14:59
I'm guessing its the coffee that kept you awake, I don't drink coffee after lunch or I wouldn't sleep til at least midnight or later. And who said there's no such thing as a free lunch!!

Did you miss a piece?

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