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2008-08-26 ... 6:10 p.m.

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A post for someone else

So I was sitting here this morning minding my own business, and reading about everyone else's business, when an email popped into my gmail address. From Lena. Now this is interesting because back when the Art/Rosie thing was going on, Lena was sure that one of us "Javelina Hunters" was a mole, and since she said it wasn't Poolie, (and it sure wasn't Rosie) that left just me. I emailed her at least twice about my innocence, but she couldn't get down off her judge's dais to deign (neener) to reply to cocoabean the mole... Even though my innocence was proved the following day.

So why did Lena email me today? It was a group email, to me, Rosie, Poolie, Art, and YankeeChick, with a copy of a comment left to Lena by bindyree. What it said exactly is unimportant, it was the spirit in which it was sent that bothered me.

The whole Art/Rosie thing has been dead for a week or two, so why stir things up NOW by bringing the whole shitstorm back? I'm not sure I will get an answer, since Lena stopped reading my diary back when the shitstorm started, a sure indication that she thought I was the dreaded MOLE.

My only thought is that Lena LIVES for drama. She loves to drop these little bombshells and then step back and let the fur fly... and then proclaim that she was the wounded one, and no one apologized to her. It isn't going to work this time. I am here to make sure that this bomb is going to backfire. Yes, the shit is hitting the fan.

I have stayed out of this long enough. Both Rosie and Art know where I stand, and I am pleased to say that I consider both of them friends, and they both consider me to be their friend. But this is just ENOUGH. I will not stand by and let this crap be brought up again and again. It is upsetting everyone, although I would have to say that it's likely that's just what Lena's objective was.

So I have this to say to you, Lena, and I'm sure one of your "friends" will send it to you since you don't read me.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. DROP IT, AND DROP IT NOW. Even Art was saddened by your email, don't you think you've done enough to hurt everyone???

What are you getting out of this, by stirring it all up? Is it some kind of perverse pleasure you feel knowing that you are hurting everyone all over again? Or is it just that you love the drama that these kind of things create? I feel sorry for you, if this is the high point of your day!

Now go away and leave the rest of us in peace.

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Kiss Me!

28 comments so far

yankeechick - 2008-08-27 01:16:41
Rosie - 2008-08-27 01:18:22
How 'bout a rousing chorus of Amens! Thank you for being my friend.
Kathy - 2008-08-27 01:55:09
Dang. I don't know what to say. I like Lena. I'm a Lena fan. Having met her in person, I don't think she's one for the drama. She's tenderhearted and maybe her feelings were hurt and that's why this has progressed this far. By the way, I'm a Chaos fan, too. I'm just sorry that this all happened.
beanie - 2008-08-27 01:57:14
Then maybe Lena should explain herself.. and why she would bring this up again
Bindyree aka Brin - 2008-08-27 02:00:28
Stirring things up by leeaving a comment was not my intention; I was not aware there was a deadline for speaking up about this, because I have not been privy to any of the subspace chatter in any emails. so I apologize for my poor timing. :-(
art - 2008-08-27 02:48:07
brin, you did nothing to stir things up. you voiced your opinion, and thats fine by me. we is still good pals. now, live and let live and let sleeping dogs lie. the thing is folks, if we collectively do not respond to such emails, then the one who sends such tripe will not get the response they desperately want or need, and eventually they will go away. like an agressive panhandler, who starts to follow you up the street, begging for change, if you ignore it, it will disappear. now heres a big amen, brought to you by the no tobacco/weight loss committee of the greater bay area: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!! ta da!
Poolie - 2008-08-27 03:27:25
I am trying really hard to go Zen here. Zen Zen Zen.... Where is my Zen? Zen, don't fail me now! I was very saddened by this whole thing today. I would be lying if I said otherwise. I sat in my office and looked out the window for a long time and thought about so many things. We have so little time on this planet. I have so much left to do - so many essays to write in my journal, music to write, and so many projects to complete. I also have puffies to light and songs to sing around the fire with my friends. These are all precious and important to me, and nothing will stop my joy. Just writing this brought a little missing Zen back into alignment. The power of intention can move mountains. If something doesn't feel like love, you can be damn sure it's driven by fear, and fear makes us react defensively. I am trying to understand what this all means. Where is the lesson? Where is the blessing? I need more Zen. This is really hard right now.
bluesleepy - 2008-08-27 03:35:18
My personal opinion is that we should all move on. There's nothing to be gained by dredging up all the bad feelings once more. If someone leaves a comment on someone else's diary, that's between the commenter and the blog author. It doesn't need to be disseminated throughout the blogosphere. Let's just leave things be. The dust has settled; there is no point in stirring everything back up again.
beanie - 2008-08-27 03:40:48
I agree, we all need to move on. Someone keeps pulling us back, and I'm trying to break that cycle. Poolie, I'm very sorry you are having trouble with your Zen. I was hoping the pie would help... we all need to just let go....
Poolie (again) - 2008-08-27 03:42:19
Oh, that key lime pie did wonders! I got a lot of Zen back after eating that!
Carol - 2008-08-27 04:20:27
Don't know nothin' about it. But if you say she's a bad gorilla, I'm with you.
Miss Hiss - 2008-08-27 04:28:18
Damn. I wish *I* had Key Lime Pie. Not because I need more Zen, you understand (I mean, I'm awfully sorry this business is still hurting people, of course, but the one who'll hurt most in the short AND long run is the one who keeps opening it up like the weird smelly kid down the road that no-one wants to be friends with who picks at her knee-scabs all the time so they won't heal and maggots can hatch in them, and then wonders why she's suddenly covered with more flies) but because, well, I just like pie. Love, R xxx
Poolie (again) - 2008-08-27 04:35:33
And it was fookin' good pie too, Miss Hiss! We savored some in your honor. We were going to light a giant puffie too but Beanie couldn't find the matches. We were too scared to just stick one in the stove.
Miss Hiss again - 2008-08-27 04:48:02
No matches? I thought you crazy Javelina Huntin' Gals just sweet-talked the local Sherriff into lighting your puffies for you? x
beanie - 2008-08-27 04:56:00
the sheriff was busy this afternoon...
Rosie - 2008-08-27 05:09:35
Key Lime Pie? I missed Key Lime Pie!??? Did y'all at least have the grace to stop a moment before shoveling in a bite and dedicate that yummy bite to me? I can't believe that I sat here and went Zen WITHOUT Key Lime Pie. *Sigh*
Poolie (to Rosie) - 2008-08-27 05:35:36
No Zen is ever wasted.
beanie - 2008-08-27 05:40:03
but Zen is better with Key Lime pie!! Face it, everything is better with Key Lime Pie!
Poolie (yet again) - 2008-08-27 05:42:06
It's a wonder balm....like horse linament. Only different.
yankeechick - 2008-08-27 10:17:10
Sweet Jesus! I went to bed way too early and missed the Key Lime Pie/Maggots/Zen party!
art - 2008-08-27 12:23:32
im not sure if i like key lime pie, cause ive never had it! im an apple pie man myself!! cant go wrong with apple pie, with a hunk of vanilla ice cream topped with chocolate sauce, now theres the ticket! YUM!
words-4-less - 2008-08-27 12:23:52
That does not sound like Lena to me. There must be more to the story than what I am reading.
margie - 2008-08-27 13:43:34
I don't know anything about what has been going on so I can't comment on it. But I did want to say, hey, your comments have increased. And I agree with Art, I've never had Key Lime pie so I'll stick with apple...well, pumpkin. And I'm sure I don't know what a puffie is.
beanie - 2008-08-27 14:01:39
Words-4-less, then it's up to Lena to explain WHY she would send such a hateful email...
Carrie - 2008-08-27 14:15:57
I have no idea what is going on (as usual), but i want in on the fun! I'll take some pecan pie, please!! :)
michele - 2008-08-27 15:14:21
ummm... ok. have no clue about all this stuff but all i can say is; HI COCOABEAN! Hope the weather is nice for ya where you're at and thanks for the nice comments on my page lately.
Wyndspirit - 2008-08-27 18:58:55
I have no clue what's going on, but I think I'm glad I'm just casual buddies with some of the parties, not thick enough with anybody to be in an online "clique" of friends (nothing derogatory intended by the term, I just can't think of a better word), just enjoying everybody from a distance. I feel sad for all parties involved, and I think this calls for drastic measures. Bring on the CHOCOLATE pie!!!
Brin - 2008-08-29 02:32:45
You're all right, let's move on. I'm satisfied that I know exactly who screwed up and how badly, and I've also been quite surprised as who has apologized and who has not. LOLOL Anyway, yeah, moving on. Works for me! ((((everybody))))

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