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2009-08-17 ... 7:48 p.m.

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Monday at work

I opened returns this morning, so I was there at 5:30. I usually enjoy opening, but this being Monday, unusual things were happening.

I opened my till, and there should have been money in it, but the wrong drawer opened, so I had to get that fixed. I finally got my drawer with the money open, and thought I was good to go. Until I got my first customer.

The computer was slower than slow. I had to wait and wait and wait between every step. After my first customer, I finally just switched computers, rebooted mine, and then went back. Then it worked fine. Jeebus. Mondays.

But the rest of the day went fine, although one of our returns cashiers called in sick, so it was me and Ms Molasses. I took my lunch break and it looked like someone dumped a pile of stuff in returns. She took things back, but was not in any way organized so it was a big mess, and took even longer to clean up.

I ended the day with NO $20 or $10 bills... and 2 $5s, and 23 $1. That's not much, considering. It's a bit nerve-wracking to end with that little money.. one customer with a big return for cash and it would set me back in a big way. But I made it. Phew!

I took a short nap when I got home. I sat down in the chair, took my shoes off, and within about 10 minutes was asleep.

I've just been reading and watching FoodTV since I woke up.. and eating supper, of course. I'm getting pretty tired though, so it's time to find another book and go to bed. After Good Eats, of course.

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3 comments so far

jamie - 2009-08-18 03:18:36
watching alton make omelettes right now!
Crystal Balls - 2009-08-18 04:43:06
I came home and cooked - if you can call a one-dish meal cooking, lol. Other than that, a bath and a lot of 'net surfing. I do like having a house-husband. :D
Kitty - 2009-08-18 14:17:36
"Ms Molasses" Ha! you just made my day.

Did you miss a piece?

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