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Pieces of You


2009-06-20 ... 6:20 p.m.

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Out in the garden today, and ideas

Well it was kind of fun working in garden today, since it was kind of dead, and we actually had a head cashier out there with us, so Blue wasn't quite as bossy as normal.

She just is totally spazzed about everything, and I told her she needs to take lessons from the AA prayer.. to take things as they come and accept the things she can't change. She can't change the way her heart is, she just needs to accept that she needs surgery, stay with a doc she trusts, and "let go and let God". I think she thinks I'm nuts.

I have been debating on whether or not to do the NaNoWriMo challenge again this year, and most of my debate is what I would write about. I have some ideas, certainly, but the story has to have some kind of theme, or moral... and I was reading something this morning that gave me a good idea of how to put my story together. Now I just have to figure out the characters.... should be a bit easier now that I have the guts. Heh.

I found a piece of wood at the Depot that I wanted for putting together jigsaw puzzles. It's nice to not use the kitchen table, since sometimes I want to use it for eating... and it's nice to have the puzzle be portable. But the board has to be fairly big. I found just what I needed, and bought it. It was a scrap piece, 4 x 4, and cost me a DOLLAR.

Good thing it was relatively flexible, because it really didn't fit too well into my car. I had to move the seats all the way forward, and bend the board a bit to get it into the back seat. In no way did it fit in the trunk! I'm sure I was quite entertaining had someone been watching me trying to get it into the car... and then I had to get it out once I got home. That went a bit easier.

So now I can plot out my novel while I'm putting together jigsaw puzzles! Hee!

Tonight is movie night.. I'm watching Once Bitten. I know it's old, but it's new to me. Amazing how young Jim Carrey looks!

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3 comments so far

Poolie - 2009-06-21 07:34:40
I went to a specialty garden shoppe today and got....shoe spikes!
terri t - 2009-06-21 20:32:52
that 4x4 sounds like a great addition...you can even use it as an extra table when you entertain. LOL! Enjoy the rest of your day/evening.
Wyndspirit - 2009-06-23 03:19:50
A puzzle board!!! I always use those things. In fact, I have a leftover scrap of finished 5/8" plywood that has been my puzzle board since I was a kid. They are so useful.

Did you miss a piece?

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