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2009-02-17 ... 8:30 p.m.

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Not a very fun day at work

Today was one day that I worked that I wish I'd stayed home. It was sunny when I left home and got to work, but then the clouds rolled in and dumped a LOT of rain on us.

I was inside and not real worried about the rain. Once it subsided a little, they sent me out to the "event" in the parking lot where they sell all the patio furniture and grills and all that kind of stuff. So I stood under one of the gazebos until it stopped raining.

I came inside for my lunch, and then they sent me back outside. Now.. it was pretty chilly... it was OK in the sun, but since it's been raining recently, and it's FEBRUARY and not very warm, people just aren't shopping for patio furniture at this time of year. I think I had 5 customers, and I only sold two plastic chairs and a plastic end table.. not even enough to cover my wages for standing out there, much less make a profit on any of it.

I should have taken my book out with me, but I was afraid one of the managers would come out and see me sitting there reading. I was really glad when they came out to get me at 5:45. By that time I was cold and angry at having spent the entire afternoon out there with NOTHING to do.

I picked up all the garbage and straightened out the furniture this morning, and even though everything was covered, they didn't want me opening anything up. I really don't want to go out there again. Grrrrr. It was a total waste of time and money. I will tell Norma that tomorrow, but I don't think there's much she can do, since management insists she staff a cashier out there.

So. That was my day. I came home and worked on getting some things mailed out and my list for this weekend and that's been about it. Now it's late, and I'm heading off to bed...

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2 comments so far

terri t - 2009-02-18 17:43:10
Boo on that noise yesterday. I imagine Norma could find another cashier who doesn't do anything that would be thrilled to be out there doing nothing. She could use you where the work is faster paced and you would get something accomplished. Hopefully you get a more exciting job next time.
art - 2009-02-18 20:10:26
grrrr. that really sucks!! let them put some nose ringed kid out there!!

Did you miss a piece?

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