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2008-08-17 ... 5:27 p.m.

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A much smoother day than yesterday

Well today was a much better day at work than yesterday! I was pleased that everything went so well, and we only had one issue, which wasn't MY fault, but something I had questioned yesterday. It's nice to be right about something!

I had done the cashier's accuracy check yesterday, and the head cashier who supervised me failed to void out one of the checks, so it appeared that my till was almost $400 short. I had asked her (May) about that, and she said it was ok, she had taken care of it. I wondered why the computer kept telling me to strip $1100 when I only had about $500 I could easily strip.

Points for me for that one. Heh.

So I had to redo the accuracy check, but kind of in reverse. I had to void every item I had scanned in, but I had to do it manually, typing in all the UPCs instead of scanning. It's a more accurate way to do it, so I can see why it had to be done that way. That was OK by me, since it took me off my register, and gave me about a 15 minute break.

Tonight I will be packing and making plans for what to take to Gabi's house tomorrow. My schedule changed, and now I work 10-6:30 instead of 11:30 to 8. I like those hours better, although it will make the morning more rushed. That just means I need to get things ready tonight, and be able to get out of here early tomorrow morning. I need to be able to find my way to work from there, too. Home isn't as big an issue since I don't have to punch a clock when I get here.

Mmmmm someone in the neighborhood is grilling something that smells really good... it's making me hungry. Time to forage!

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Kiss Me!

6 comments so far

Paula - 2008-08-18 00:44:10
Hi Nancy....just wanted to pop in and wave Hi!!!!
psis - 2008-08-18 01:12:43
Wow, Pogo is something else! Unfortunately I don't have time to play it.
Shippie - 2008-08-18 01:52:22
I miss that little Gabby. Give her a big belly scratch for me and kiss on the wet nose eh!
Blue Opal - 2008-08-18 02:26:00
I prefer an earlier schedule - yeah, you rush around more in the morning but you've got your nights to yourself!
Poolie - 2008-08-18 03:39:46
See you earlier at the museum! WOOT!
bluesleepy - 2008-08-19 00:35:18
I much preferred working 9:30-6:30 vs 1-10pm when I worked at the computer store. Sure, I got to sleep in on the late days, but then I couldn't DO anything when I got off work.

Did you miss a piece?

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