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2009-05-13 ... 9:23 p.m.

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Rolling with the flow

Pogo day today! I didn't have to work until 11:45, so why did I wake up at 5AM?? Oh yeah, because I went to bed at 9 last night. So I read all my diaries and got both of my pogo challenges finished, and it was still only about 9.

I did my dishes, and put my lunch together, and went out to run an errand before work. I kind of hate doing that, because if it takes too long for some reason, I would be late getting to work. But I wasn't.

I spent the day out in garden. I knew when I walked through on my way to the break room that something was up. You could just feel the tension out in garden.

So I stopped at the head cashier's desk to just tell them I was there, and May told me to tell Blue to take her break by 12:15. I said I would, but that they were already arguing about something out there, so May came out with me. May told Blue when to take her break, and Blue said, NO.

It was an interesting afternoon. I had Blue on one side of me and Laney on the other side, both saying things about the other and asking what was said about them. Fuuuuuck.

I told one of the HCs who came out that I just put my head down and let the shit fly over me, and I keep my mouth shut so no one can attribute anything to me.

Between that and not getting things picked up when we call or getting things brought out when we need them I am seriously considering asking Norma to please not put me out there at all. And my lovely new schedule? I only work in returns two mornings. I am so disappointed!

Oh well. As the song says, I just roll with the flow. And I duck, too.

"You just roll with the flow wherever it goes
Even if it rolls outta here"

Bonus points for anyone who can tell me the singer of that song!

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5 comments so far

Erianne - 2009-05-14 05:49:30
Michael Nesmith?
Rebekah - 2009-05-14 10:11:04
An uninvolved employee in times of drama is RARE!

and yeah, I'm seconding Monkees (or technically Davy Jones singing?)
DSis - 2009-05-14 10:57:41
Not a clue who the singer is, even after Googling it! But, I like the philosophy. That bull-whacky seems to happen in every work place! Good to try to remain uninvolved.
terri t - 2009-05-14 17:03:22
I can't believe that Blue would get away with refusing to take her break when told by a HC. Some people have no clue at all....
psis - 2009-05-14 21:50:53
There is nothing like staying completely neutral in such situations. Maybe with Blue's heart problem, she doesn't get full circulation to the brain??

Did you miss a piece?

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