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2008-11-08 ... 8:44 p.m.

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Saturday at work

This time change thing has been hard to adjust to for some reason. I am falling asleep at 9 or 10 PM, and getting up at 5:30. So when I work until 8, I'm pretty tired by the time I get home, because I get up so early... it's just a vicious cycle. But I am getting a lot done around the house!

I've gotten a few things organized from the kitchen table and my computer desk. Not everything, that would mean company is coming. Heh. But just getting the virus protection thing fixed and working on my laptop and desktop was nice.

I emailed Kaspersky and told them what problem I was having, and they sent me a McAfee remover, which did the trick. No more McAfee for me!! And Kaspersky ran a scan last night while I was typing, and chatting with Bluesleepy and it was fine. McAfee would have stopped everything from working while it was running. I felt like such a nerd, with a desktop AND laptop both up and running on my desk at the same time. Yeah.

So this morning was kind of a continuation of last night. I got the rebate offers put together, and did a few other odds and ends. Soon enough it was time for work, which is a drag, but one needs to pay rent, and having took time off for Tombstone made for a smallish check yesterday. Oh well. I had so much fun, it was well worth it!

I was out in garden, which is always fun on the weekends because of the two people I work with out there. It's actually fun! Plus we all gossip a bit, too, which can be fun and educational. Heh.

I went in for my break, and someone had brought 10 medium pizza hut pizzas, so I had a few pieces and then went back out to garden. By the time the other people got in, the pizza was gone. But then I certainly wasn't hungry for the lunch I brought! So I just ate my fruit, and read for my lunch.

They brought us into the main store at about 5:30, since it was dark outside, and then the time goes so much faster. We were just about to leave, we had locked the garden doors, when a lady came up bitching that the doors were locked, and she'd left her 11-year-old daughter out in the truck outside the doors, and WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. Yeah. I quickly signed back in to the computer, rang her up, while Jason opened the doors, and we got her out of there as fast as we could. WHY would you leave an 11-year-old in a truck anyway while you are in a store???

I was hungry when I got home, so I ate my lunch anyway. After all, the pizza I ate was at 1:30, so I wore it all off at work. Not sure yet what my schedule is for next week, since I'm waiting to see what hours they will add on to my schedule. One can only hope....

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2 comments so far

Sherry - 2008-11-09 08:18:12
The Mcafee removal tool worked? Congrats. Sometimes it does, if you hold your mouth just right when you're running it. I hear you asking why the world I'm up at 3AM. Nothing big...just that I'm on call (work in computers at a hospital) and a tiny ER doc with a HUGE temper just called me raising holy hell. Dude has a serious Napoleon complex. That should be TLC's new series. Little Doctor, Big Temper. Dude, I'm so sorry that you want to transfer this patient out of your ER when all the ICU beds are full. It breaks my heart to tell you that it's illegal to make up ICU beds in the system just because you want to move him. *sigh* I've been battling this guy since 2:21. I think he's got the picture now, so I'm off to bed. :)
bluesleepy - 2008-11-09 21:50:57
I don't get leaving a kid in your car by him/herself either. Not in this world, anyhow.

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