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2009-03-23 ... 6:38 p.m.

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A talk with Norma, and a day in garden

Work today went MUCH better than yesterday! I was given the choice between garden and the pit of despair event, and I chose garden. Woot! I got to choose because even though there were two of us who started at the same time, I had punched in and made my way up to the front before the other person.

It was pretty cold out, too, so I was glad I had my jacket with me. The store manager popped into garden a couple of times, and every time he did I was working on something. Phew! The other person was just standing behind the register, doing nothing. I just don't understand how people can do NOTHING.

The other girl, Etta, was on Blue's register. I was hoping that I could have gotten on there, just to be there when Blue came in. Just as I suspected, the first thing Blue wanted when she came in was HER register. Etta said no. Heh. Blue then said she was taking my register when I went to lunch, and I told her that she couldn't, because we were supposed to keep both garden doors open, and she needed to stay where she was.

She was doing a credit when her computer locked up for a minute, so then she was whining that it wasn't fair that she couldn't do credits on her computer. I told her that it was the luck of the draw, and it worked for me on Sunday, so there was no reason for it not to work today. So she tried it again, and it worked. Sheesh.

She ended up staying there all afternoon, but still, she was wired. At one point I told her to just calm down, and take it easy. Really, there is no reason to be as frantic as she is at work. Nothing goes right then, not for anyone. She did quiet down a bit after that, thankfully.

Norma came out to garden later this afternoon, and I told her what was on my mind. In fact, I had two cash strips waiting to be picked up... one had been there for over an hour, the other about 15 minutes. I explained that I wasn't trying to get anyone in trouble, but that I thought she needed to know what was going on while she wasn't there.

She told me that if the HC wouldn't or couldn't come to bring me change or pick up a strip, that I should call the ASM. So that's what I will do from now on. She was not happy that I ran out of money last night, and said she would look into it. The nice thing is, I know she WILL look into it, and she will tell me what happened as a result.

Even Blue said today that she just isn't having that much fun there anymore, because of the personnel cuts and supposedly because of the new rules... although none of the new rules affects her at all, or me either. I think that if the rules are enforced, it will cause a lot of personnel changes. Guess we will have to wait and see.

So I came home, and I'm doing my laundry, waiting for the dryer to finish. It sure is nice to be able to do it here, and to be so close to the laundry room that I can hear the dryer when it stops. It's almost like having my own washer and dryer, I just have to have a constant supply of quarters!

I close out in garden tomorrow night, so I guess we'll see if anything changes in between today and tomorrow. I also mentioned the break thing, but that just requires me to ask... no, demand a break whether or not they want to give me one, or have the people to do it. Like I said, we'll see.

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4 comments so far

im2qt2kr - 2009-03-24 04:14:29
I'm with you Ms. Cocoa. I've always felt like it was a down right sin to take money I didn't earn. I always kept busy and when I finished my work, if I was still on the clock, I'd go around the office and see if anyone else needed any help. That was a win-win for me as it meant I cross-trained for every job so when cut backs started, I was the last one there when the doors finally closed because I could do everyone's job as well as mine.
Pattypat - 2009-03-24 17:12:29
Yes, he is, how did you know?
terri t - 2009-03-24 17:13:52
I always wanted something to do too so the time went by more quickly...and learning other jobs is a great way to become "needed" like im2qt2kr said. And if I couldn't find anything to do...I sure made sure it looked like I was doing something just in case someone walked by my cubicle.....duh! Unfortunately a lot of younger people don't think outside the box anymore and can't figure it out...They don't feel any loyalty to the job either.
Paula - 2009-03-24 17:51:49
I have to be ultra busy at work or the time lags, plus there is nothing more distasteful than to watch someone lollygag when there is work to be done.

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