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Pieces of You


2009-09-08 ... 6:42 p.m.

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Tuesdays are much better than Mondays!

Yes, I made it to work on time today. No less than three people teased me about being late yesterday. Although one person told me they would never tease me if I was frequently late, but that it's fun to tease me when I am late once. I will be triple checking my schedule from now on!

Returns was actually pretty easy today, no big issues with anything. One guy brought in a gas powered something or other. I didn't even look at it, since it was gas, and they didn't have a receipt, and told me it was only about a month and a half old.. which really means it's more like three months old.

The Depot warranty is only 30 days for gas powered equipment, so I sent the guys to a place called Tool Depot, that fixes tools and things that are still under the manufacturer's warranty. Without a receipt, I know not much could be done.

It did get busy at a couple points, but not in any way as bad as yesterday, because we had two people who knew what they were doing, plus Markie, who is learning things every day.

So it was a decent work day. I ran an errand after work, and about ten minutes after I got home, Mr D called. Not only did he not crash the plane, but he didn't fly it much, either. The speed gauge didn't work in it, and he really felt he needed that, so he and another guy grounded the plane until it's fixed. He was bummed! So they spent the rest of the afternoon working on that.

He said, "I'm almost at your house, want me to stop by?" Of course, I said yes! He even said he missed me! Awwwwww. And NO, I didn't get a picture of him. I'm not sure he wants it posted online... he knows about my journal, so that's not an issue.

I just have a hard time saying, "I want to take your picture so I can put it online for my friends and readers to see" because, like I said, I'm not sure what he'd say. Now, if I take a picture of a plane, and he happens to be in said picture, that's a different story! Heh. He did mention taking me out to the airport to show me around. I'll try to remember my camera.

So after about a half hour, he went home to study. He's having a hard time with the math that is part of the electrical portion of the course... good thing his brother is a math teacher, because I sure can't help him with that!

And I do get to see him tomorrow at work, although I told him that's not seeing him like I can see him here. There are no good hugs there, and for sure nothing else! I'll take what I can get. Heh.

Once again, I'm watching the kitty stalker...

Such entertainment, right out my window!

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4 comments so far

Poolie - 2009-09-09 02:25:18
I have 3 feeders now. It's quite a circus.
Simon - 2009-09-09 12:08:30
Oh, Coco. I was startled and a little worried about the line: "He was bummed! So they spent the rest of the afternoon working on that." Yikes. Ahahahahahaha. Sorry, I'll go away and hide in my closet of shame again now...
bluesleepy - 2009-09-09 15:39:18
Ooo I almost didn't see the kitty in the photo!
mpeacock - 2009-09-10 03:18:37
Tee hee on stalker kitty!

Did you miss a piece?

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