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2009-04-16 ... 9:26 p.m.

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Working with the boys today and it was no fun

I slept SO good, and so long last night (thank you, Xanax!) that I felt much better this morning. I'm still coughing a bit, but my voice is almost back to normal. I really don't think this is an allergy thing, since it is going away so fast, and last week I had a cold sore on my lip, which usually means I'm getting a cold. I have the next two days off, so I should be just fine by Sunday.

I worked out in garden today, and had quite a conversation with Blue. She was stressed because of the two who were working the morning out there with her. One was Dork, who I realized today is truly a DORK. The other guy, Eric, just decided that he was only going to be a cashier when it was convenient for him.. as in, when there was a cute, young, female customer around, he would escort her to find her things, and then be her cashier. Otherwise? He wasn't around when he needed to be.

Blue was having a hard time getting Dork boy to go on breaks on time, so after I came in, I told him point blank, Dork, go to lunch, and he went. Blue tries to be cool, and have fun with them and joke around, but no one will listen to you if they think you are TOO fun. Apparently I am someone they listen to.

So everything went well until Dork boy took his second break, and instead of 15 minutes, it lasted 40! I asked him where he was, and he claimed that he got stopped by a customer. Sorry, I don't buy that. I told him he HAS TO stick to the schedule, or it will cause problems for the rest of us.

I decided to use that advice to my advantage, and I left when I was supposed to for lunch, and since Blue was already gone, that left Dork boy and Eric to cover all the customers. Apparently Eric decided after 15 minutes of that, to close out his till, lock the door and leave, even though he wasn't off for over another hour. That left Dork boy out there alone, and it's usually fairly busy out there. Heh. And I didn't hurry getting back from lunch, although it didn't take me an extra 25 minutes. I'm not cutting my own throat to teach him a lesson.

By the time I got back, it was Dork boy's time to leave, and that was fine with me. It got busy later, so I called for some help. They actually sent someone out, amazingly enough, so at least I had a partner out there for about an hour. I got my last break, and then he went inside.

I started cleaning everything up, and a customer came up to me with kind of a wild look on his face. He said he was completely spooked by what just happened in the back of the garden area. He told me that he was in the back by the trees and the shrubs, and he was wondering if people ever hide in there until the store is closed, and then come out and prowl around the store.

I assured him that there are people here 24/7 and that the doors are locked, so anyone would be unable to get out (although I think the emergency doors would still work). But he wasn't finished...

He told me that just when he was thinking about someone coming out of the shrubbery, a CAT jumped out and scared him! I laughed and laughed. I hadn't seen the cats for a while, but apparently they are still there! I did see two of them today, after that happened.

The garden guys rearranged the outside area. We used to have a huge rack with hanging flower pots, then a rack with tomato plants, and then our pallet of sod. They removed the big rack, and instead, put in a cart corral, so people don't have to cross the drive to get a cart, since most of them think we already have carts inside. Hooray! That was an exceptionally good idea!

They took two smaller racks for the hanging plants, which make it easier to shop, and then put the tomato plants on the other side of that. It is a big improvement! It will be nice to not have to dodge cars to get a cart for a customer.

My kitchen needs a good cleaning, and I think I will do that as my project for tomorrow.. that and getting a few groceries. Then Saturday I can have the whole day for goofing around!

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6 comments so far

Sandyz - 2009-04-17 05:04:01
I loved the part about the cats. I laughed, I could just visualize it all. Sandyz
Rattus Regina - 2009-04-17 05:10:28
Are we still on for goofing around Sat night?
Judith - 2009-04-17 05:13:33
I wanted to let you know that I enjoy hearing about your day. And I hope you are over this cold very soon.
l\'empress - 2009-04-17 06:13:25
No matter where you are, there are still times when you have to put on your "mother face." I know; I've been there.
zucchini breath - 2009-04-17 13:51:30
I was in the depot of home here in KFalls and we saw a cat in the garden area. She just ran across the aisle we were in and disappeared. It was a 'did you see that?' moment. Drink lots of water and feel better
terri t - 2009-04-17 17:52:36
so, how long before the disappearing boy cashier gets caught? He sounds like a real downer for the rest of you. Loved the story about the cat.... Hope you feel much better by tomorrow and get your kitchen all cleaned up...

Did you miss a piece?

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