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2008-08-23 ... 7:16 p.m.

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Work and sleep...

Work was certainly interesting last night and today. I worked from 1:30 PM until 10PM last night. I am not fond of those hours, but it seems that I am getting to try all the available shifts, maybe just to see which ones I work out the best on. Or which ones I like the best. We shall see.

Anyway, I was checking out a lady's products, and she had two dogs in her cart, one in the kid seat, and the other in the bottom. I noticed there were a whole bunch of floor tiles on the bottom, and before I let her pay for the rest of her stuff, I asked her about those. No, she said they weren't hers, they were just in the cart when she put the dogs in it.

Since I like clean carts (makes it easier to see what's what) I told her I would empty the cart for her. It turned out to be over a case and a half of ceramic tiles. I put it all on an unused register, and told the head cashier, May, about it. She went to look at it, and was amazed at how much was there. It was quickly taken care of!

Then the lot guys came in, and asked me about a man who was loading up bags of concrete mix in the parking lot. He had a receipt from the 21st, which appeared that someone had wrote a 2 over the 1, so he was taking all his cement. Yes, I had checked him out for 2 bags, but that was on the 22nd... and this receipt was not. Besides, it had someone else's cashier ID on it, so I gave that to May, too.

I had a man who came through with a couple of pipes, and a whole bunch of fittings and things connected to the pipes. He said they had all been in plastic bags with UPCs, but he didn't have nearly as many bags as he had fittings. Hmmmm. So not knowing if those were even the correct bags, I just threw them all away and took my time looking them all up. Sheesh!

Maybe they just figure if they come in at night no one will check for them.... although today....

Security watched a guy stealing, but he ran out of the store too fast to be caught. They did manage to tackle a guy who was in there this afternoon. I kind of wondered about the two officers I saw walking into the store, but about a half hour later, they walked out with a man in cuffs. I found out the situation later, and the man had a knife, so he was being charged with armed robbery. I doubt they will make that stick, because he hadn't threatened anyone with it, but hmmmm...

I am still kind of tired from being up late Thursday and up early Friday, then up late Friday night. I got a good night's sleep, but it just wasn't enough to catch me up to the point of being on my toes at work. I was just about ready to leave when Jason reminded me that I was off at 6:30, not 6. Oops. At least I didn't make any mistakes!

I haven't done much since my last post but work and sleep.

I really am grateful just to have a job though, so I'm not complaining. Monday will be two months since I have been hired. One more month to go for health insurance, and other good bennies. I will actually be in Tombstone then. Woot!

I really am looking forward to Tombstone, and the Javelina Hunt. It's the most fun I've had legally (haha) in ages and ages. Everyone really should come.. you can't believe how incredibly fun our group is.. and the group is growing. You can see who's coming at the javelinahunt page. Let's get that list even bigger!!

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Kiss Me!

7 comments so far

Poolie - 2008-08-24 02:58:04
You have made great strides since you got here, grasshopper!
beanie - 2008-08-24 03:13:57
eh, Poolie... they are more like big hops!
art - 2008-08-24 03:39:52
hope they get ya on a steady schedule soon!! at least you dont take ya work home with ya!
bluesleepy - 2008-08-24 03:55:39
You wouldn't think that HD would attract so many shoplifters. When I worked at the computer store, we rarely heard of a shoplifter being arrested or even caught. But then again, our security was actually pretty bad. Ha.
Blue Opal - 2008-08-24 04:30:06
I can only imagine how glad you'll be to get a regular schedule. It really mucks with your system when you're constantly changing shifts. :(
yankeechick - 2008-08-24 10:36:09
I love reading these posts of yours. Gives me a little insight as to what to expect from MY exciting new career at Wally World, lol. One week to go!
terri t - 2008-08-24 20:25:45
I imagine lots of the shoplifters have it down to a science on how to get out of the store with unpaid for merchandise. Hope you continue to enjoy the various shifts. Sounds like you will have lots of stories to share in October.

Did you miss a piece?

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