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Pieces of You


2009-09-05 ... 6:45 p.m.

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An annoying day

I had to open this morning, and it was pretty dang early! I was tired and not at all energetic like yesterday. I didn't have time to have as much coffee, either, but I'm not getting up at 3AM to have coffee before work....

I worked with a young male cashier today, we can call him Mr Annoying, because that's exactly what he was. He just didn't SHUT UP and it wasn't like he had anything significant to say. There was another young male cashier there today, (yeah, it was like heaven, almost) who did his job and kept his mouth shut. I like him!

I took my afternoon break, and while I was gone, apparently hell broke loose, and the entire place was filled with junk and customers were lined up out the door when I got back. Sheesh! I was only gone for 15 minutes! Shelly, my favorite HC was called over by the manager to help, and she was commenting about what a mess things were. I told her that it was all fine when I went on my break. Jeebus. She said that that's how I should know that I'm so important to her. Hmmmm.

On the Blue front, she still is not full time, and is back in garden. She told me that the store manager doesn't want her in credits, but prefers her out in garden. She is not happy with that! Even though she doesn't LIKE working credits, she agreed to do it for full time. So none of us know what's going on... business as usual.

And I lost both my earrings today at work. My favorite pair, the one everyone always compliments me on. I'm so glad they were only $2.50! The store is so big and I walked so many places that I think it would be impossible to find one or both of them. Bummer.

I'm glad I have tomorrow off. I'm not sure yet what I'm doing... it's possible I might just do nothing. Guess we'll have to wait and see!

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4 comments so far

psis - 2009-09-06 03:01:08
Have you heard of ordering textbooks.com for ordering college books??
Poolie - 2009-09-06 03:23:16
Batty customers....how fun.
Rosie - 2009-09-06 04:41:37
What is it with losing earrings recently? After years of not losing any, I've lost about three pair, and I almost lost one yesterday, but I saw it fall. I just don't get why the cosmos decides to suck in earrings instead of socks for a while!
beyondpanic - 2009-09-06 20:32:00
Hey PSIS, I've ordered textbooks for my kids from there and was very satisfied!

Did you miss a piece?

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