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2009-01-01 ... 6:46 p.m.

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A boring day at work!

BBBrrrr!!! It was a chilly one this morning, 48 degrees when I was standing out in the garden area today! Well... that was before the sun came out, and before 9AM but still...

Once the sun came out, it was beautiful! And a very slow day at work, at least out in garden. People just came to check out there so that they could avoid the lines in the main store. There weren't that many cashiers, so it was probably pretty busy for them.

I was tired today, don't know why, I got plenty of sleep. It might just be the cold weather. I even had coffee before I went to work, and I still felt like I could crawl back into bed and sleep for hours.

It felt like kind of a wasted day today. There were two of us out in garden, where one could easily have handled it. I would have gone home if I could have... well, maybe not, but I would have rather been inside. It was too slow, and the day dragged on.

I stopped at the store next to the depot and got a salad, then came home and made some other food to go with it. *Urp* Now I really feel like sleeping! I have to make something for lunch tomorrow, so I guess I'll be up for a couple hours yet.

Better get started on that.. Hope everyone had a good New Year's day!

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2 comments so far

Blue Opal - 2009-01-02 03:14:11
Hey, be glad for the light day at work. Once it starts warming up again you'll be buried out in the garden section.
Terri T - 2009-01-02 21:19:34
I think it is the after the holidays blahs....RH and I are feeling really tired too. I guess we get all worked up over the holidays stuff that needs to be done that when it is over, we just collapse. Being retired makes that even easier..... Hope the weekend goes well for you.

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