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Pieces of You


2009-09-01 ... 6:34 p.m.

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But where DID I buy this??

Returns was SO busy today it was unbelievable. We had the regular number of people, but we could hardly keep up. There was so much stuff sitting around in shopping carts and lumber carts that we could hardly move. Jeebus!

I didn't get my 10:00 break until 11:30, although lunch was relatively on time, just because of that five-hour rule. But I was amazed at the number of people who had things to return.

I was also amazed at the number of people coming in wanting to buy fans and air conditioners. It's September 1st, people, it won't stay hot much longer, and then you will have a useless fan and/or air conditioner just sitting around. And by the way, we are OUT of fans. Don't complain, you should have bought one 3 months ago, when it first started getting warm.

I had another man who, when told he didn't get a product at the Depot, asked me where he got it from. How should I know? It doesn't tell me that on my computer. I need to come up with a good snappy comeback to that one, that won't offend anyone.

The high point of my day came just at the very end, with my last customer. This guy brought in a bag of stuff... pipe fittings, bronze and galvanized, and couplings. The very same couplings that were being returned 2 months ago with none being purchased in the store... this guy had a bag full. Add to that the fact that he was stuttering (I think because of nerves) and the fact that he was DRUNK and my theft sense was on high alert.

I rung all his stuff up for a whopping $260, put in his ID number, and the computer required a manager's approval. When I told him that, I thought he was going to bolt, except for the fact that I still had his ID in my hand.

I found one of my favorite HCs, Shelly, who I KNEW would not give him his money. She looked at his stuff, flagged his ID and told him he needed a receipt. I put all his stuff back in a bag, and sent him on his tipsy way.

Later, Shelly came back to tell me he is one of the "unemployed" who hang out in the Depot driveway waiting for someone to pick him up and hire him for the day. I mentioned that he was also drunk, and she said he always is. He hangs around the store, and comes IN the store, so it's almost a given that he is stealing. He certainly had no receipts for his stuff.

I love it when that happens!

In other news, Norma was frantically trying to fill hours today, since all the kids she hired as cashiers are all going back to school. I would have thought someone would have prepared for that, but she gave me Sunday off instead of Friday.. so I don't have two days off in a row, but that just breaks up a long stretch of days working. I mentioned that I didn't get my weekend off like she'd said, and she told me that she would work on that once she got this week straightened out.

As usual, I told her to just do what she needed, and let me know when she wanted me to work. She knows she can count on me in a pinch, and that has got to count for something. At least one can hope.

I'm working a bit later tomorrow, which is always nice. Starting at 8AM is not a good time to be on the freeway. Traffic goes slow, unless there's an accident, and then it doesn't go at all. And the way home is even worse. I took an alternate route tonight, which while longer, took about the same time as the freeway. I have to find an even better way to go, but San Diego is not laid out like most cities. Something to work on...

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3 comments so far

wordy - 2009-09-02 02:12:20
for a snappy comeback, how about "try lowe's" ;)
LA - 2009-09-02 16:13:11
Look cutely perplexed and say, "I'd google it if I were you." ~LA
Rosie - 2009-09-02 21:34:23
How about, "Think really, really hard..." or maybe suggest that they retrace their steps as if they were looking for a lost item.

Did you miss a piece?

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