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2009-02-12 ... 11:00 p.m.

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Excitement! But indirectly....

Wow. It's an exciting day for Poolagirl today! If you don't read her, (and why not??) click on her name to see why. Congrats, Cap'n Poolie!

I am down to only 8 boxes of stuff to unpack. Some of them are small boxes, but thankfully, it's almost over. I had to sign a lease for a year, so I know I won't be moving any time soon. That's a good thing!

Even though I don't like getting home after 10PM from work, it sure is nice not to have to go in until 1:30. I got quite a bit done today, and even had time for some Pogo.

I worked today in returns, and I've noticed lately that a lot more people are bringing things back without receipts. Could it be they didn't come by them legally? I am not sure... There are some people who I am sure stole whatever it is they are trying to return.. and there are people who are denied store credit as their refund, and are sent home to find their receipt.

One man made me laugh today though, when he reached in his pocket for his driver's license, and pulled out a PINK Hello Kitty wallet. It totally looked like a 6 year old's wallet. Hee! I had a hard time keeping a straight face!

Returns was quite a mess today. It's one of the busier areas of the store lately and none of the employees in the other areas have time to come and get their stuff... so it just kind of piles up until a manager comes and calls people on the walkie talkies. Most times that works, some departments just don't have anyone to send. I use the walkie, but no one ever answers me, so I just recruit employees walking by to dump off a cart in a certain department. Hey, whatever works.

And I need to be going to bed soon. I have to work tomorrow at 7:30.. luckily though, the head cashiers changed it to that for me, since I was supposed to work at 6. That extra sleep tomorrow will really be nice!

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5 comments so far

Poolie - 2009-02-13 10:02:36
yeah....can't trust those wallets!
Carolyn - 2009-02-13 12:20:46
Thanks for sharing the story about the pink wallet. I'll giggle all day thinking about it.
Rosie - 2009-02-13 18:23:21
Too funny about the Hello Kitty wallet. Maybe his daughter gave it to him and he has to use it. I think it's cute, and hooray for him for being fun enough to use it!
terri t - 2009-02-13 19:58:09
Sounds like a fun day for sure. Down to 8 boxes now...hmmm. That's probably how many boxes I still have to unpack since I moved here ....years ago! LOL
requiel - 2009-02-13 22:57:05
I would LOVE to see a guy pull out a pink hello kitty wallet! That would be so awesome.

Did you miss a piece?

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