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Pieces of You


2009-09-10 ... 7:05 p.m.

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Fun things coming up!

One more day of work and then I have two days off... the entire weekend, even! Of course, I have nothing planned, but sometimes that's the best kind of weekend. I am for sure looking forward to it!

Today was pretty slow, not even any interesting customers. One lady insisted a product she brought in for refund was ours, and I told her it wasn't, it was "not on file" in our computer system. She told me she would go find the item in the store and bring it back to prove it to me, but she never did.

Since it was slow, I spent time walking customers around and finding things for people, and generally trying to stay busy instead of just standing around. I do this more for my own sanity than anything else, believe me.

So it took absolutely FOREVER for the day to go by... and the last hour was by far the longest hour I've spent in ages.

After work, I stopped at Henry's to pick up some groceries. Avocados are finally 2 for $1!! Last week they were 88 cents each, and not great quality, so I bought three. Today I bought 8, so I can make some guacamole! Woot! Bluesleepy sent me a recipe for chicken and dumplings, using tortillas as the dumplings, which means I have a bunch of tortillas left. I can make avocado tacos! YUM!!

The weather has cooled off a bit lately, although it was pretty warm today. Not nearly as warm as last week, but the humidity was getting kind of high. I actually thought it might rain this morning, because the sky over the ocean was kind of gray. Once the sun burned that off though, it was hot.

I had a nice phone conversation with Kid last night, kind of planning her next trip out in January. And today, Sis emailed me, and she and DSis are planning on coming out in early November! Yay!! Lots of visitors!! Plus the Hunt next month. Woot!

How exciting!!

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3 comments so far

bluesleepy - 2009-09-11 03:10:44
mmmm avocado tacos!! That sounds DELISH!
Katy - 2009-09-11 04:04:56
We buy avocados, but we use them for sushi. My husband make his own sticky rice, we have the nori wraps, and he uses avocados, krab, tomatoes and cucumbers inside the roll. It's not too hard to make it, it's pretty cheap, and it's so delicious. Plus, the babies love avocados. They are a very healthy food.
Poolie - 2009-09-11 14:12:18
I cannot wait to meet your sisters!

Did you miss a piece?

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