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2009-02-07 ... 8:22 p.m.

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Rain and being lazy

Worked today in the garden area. The weather was odd... rain, then sun, then rain, then sun AND rain. And yes, there were rainbows. It was pretty chilly, so I was glad I took my jacket along, and wore my boots. I left my umbrella home though, so I was glad it stopped enough for me to get to my car without getting soaked.

It was pretty much an average day out in the garden, but a busy average day. I sold a lot of plants, and in big quantities. TEN queen palms to one guy, then he came back for four more. Yes, they were on sale for $30 each, and they were big and pretty, but what does one do with fourteen palms?

Another man bought ten of another one, and someone else bought about a dozen orchids. The guy who bought the orchids was working for a hotel, so I'm sure all the plants are potted in the hotel somewhere by now. THAT I can understand.

The guy who bought the orchids was actually pretty funny. I showed them to a lady who had been asking about them, because some of them included a free pot. She was looking at them, and wondering which one to buy, when the guy started talking to her. He apparently knows orchids pretty well, because she bought FIVE of them, only because he told her which ones to get. Sometimes it's not the actual selling, it's finding someone who can do the selling for you! Heh.

I came home intending on getting a lot done, but by the time I finished eating, I just didn't have the energy. At least I found the coffee filters and the coffee, and picked up a bagel at the store before I got home, so I can work on the kitchen all day tomorrow. If I can get all the kitchen stuff IN the kitchen, and in the cupboards, that will take care of most of the remaining boxes. There aren't many left with other stuff in them. And I'm sure I'll feel much less lazy tomorrow than I do now.

So... maybe pictures tomorrow.

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5 comments so far

Crystal Balls - 2009-02-08 05:06:37
Heh. See, I TOLD you it was your fault I hadn't read yet today LOL. The rain-sun-rain-sun-rain AND sun phenomenon is pretty common here too. I know exactly what you're talking about!
OrneryPest - 2009-02-08 12:05:24
Fourteen palms! Check out the local pottery shop to see if he also bought a buncha big stone heads. Sounds like he's setting up a Tiki Bar on his lawn.
Cosmic - 2009-02-08 15:42:28
Maybe he is having a coctail party on Palm Sunday and the trees are party favors!
terri t - 2009-02-08 16:58:46
I imagine you enjoy smelling all the plants and the flowers even when you check out the customers. Here, we are actually seeing the grass again...and it's green! I saw two squirrels jumping all over since the snow has melted....now if I see birds, I will know that Spring is peeking around our corner of the world. Of course we will probably get another snow dump in a week and be back to winter for sure.
Holly - 2009-02-08 23:36:18
Maybe he's sending them to people in North Dakota who are getting tired of the grey dirty snirt that is everywhere, and are desperate for some signs of green, even indoor green. eheheh

Did you miss a piece?

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