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2008-10-30 ... 5:04 p.m.

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A relaxing day off

Guess I was more tired last night than I thought. I went to bed about 10, and didn't get up until after 8 this morning. Well, except for trips to the bathroom... I was hoping I would wake up about 6:30 and have time to get my laundry done before anything else, but sleep was more a priority, I guess. I even missed the earthquake that hit LaJolla. Even though it was a minor one, both Poolagirl and Big Sister felt it.

I had breakfast with Big Sister. We went to the restaurant that has "egg muffs" on the menu, along with "sausage muffs" and while they sounded good, I decided on an omelette with bacon and avocado. I also had coffee in a huge cup. You know how when you make coffee in your coffee maker, and you make 10 cups, you usually only can get 5 actual cups out of it? This one had to have held 3 cups. I had two of them! Woot!!

I ran a few errands... went to the bank, post office, and did my laundry before I made it back home. I made a 6-cup pot of coffee, then had an appointment at two. I went to visit Poolie at work, and stop at the grocery store (I spent $18.77 and saved $12.36!) so that was almost half price. Woot!

Now I am cooking supper, and looking forward to a quiet evening at home, Pogoing and chatting. Although I had lots of fun in Tombstone, it's kind of soothing to get back to my regular schedule. There's no place like home, I guess. Heh.

And at this time of year, when people are putting winter coats on their kids for trick-or-treating, but it will be 77 degrees here tomorrow, you can bet I am loving San Diego!

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5 comments so far

Kathy - 2008-10-31 01:15:55
Wait! It was almost 70 degrees in Minnesota today!
yankeechick - 2008-10-31 01:27:05
As wonderful as the trip was, it does feel good to be home. I think I am mostly glad that the 2 day trip with the horses is over! Not sure how 'glad' I'll be when I get back to work tomorrow! Heh!
Poolie - 2008-10-31 01:58:42
Yeah, it does feel good to sit here in my mis-matched jammies yelling YARRRR at the TV.
Terri - 2008-10-31 07:42:07
It was 6 degrees here today. :( You lucky warm little Javalina Hunters! Or is that Huntresses? Glad you're home safe and sound, chatting and Pogoing.
Erianne - 2008-10-31 09:21:40
It's supposed to be in the middle 70's here tomorrow. Yay for having a warm Halloween evening!!

Did you miss a piece?

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