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2009-07-11 ... 7:42 p.m.

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Working in returns

Oh, happy day!!! I talked to Noisy Neighbor this morning, when he was hauling things out, and by Monday he will be completely OUT OF HERE!!! He is there (upstairs) now, and I know his TV is still there, so I'm hoping he's not planning on having one last loud party before he goes. I am really happy about it! Besides, I get his storage area after he's gone!

As to his parking spot, I don't want it. I'm not sure I want to park in the alley; even the on-site manager tried to talk me out of it. I am taking the spot that's opening up in the front. Besides, that will give me a second parking space if I pull up close enough to the building. Woot!

I worked in returns today, and it was entertaining. A lady brought in an entire half flat of flowers, dead as a doornail. It was obvious they hadn't been watered at all. I asked her what had happened, and she said, "Oh, I didn't need them." She bought them on JUNE 28th! And obviously never planted them, and never watered them either. She just didn't need them, so she let them die, knowing she would get her money back.

I also had a man who brought back some post supports.. a box of 12, minus one. The eleven he had were worth over $200! He had no receipt, and all the store credits (given for no receipt returns) are all tracked by driver's license or state ID numbers. When I asked for his license, he refused to take it out of his wallet, and told me what the number on it was. But I always look at the number on the license, since it's such an important part of the refund process, and I noticed that the number he TOLD me was not the same one on his license. Made me just a little suspicious.

When Jason, the HC came to approve this, well... he didn't. He refused the refund and the guy left. I told him then about the wrong DL number. Jason often refunds people I wouldn't but lately he has been refusing a lot of them. Heh.

We sell toilet repair kits, and a lady brought one in, telling me that her plumber said she didn't need it. I opened the box (cause most of them are factory closed, and this one was open) and inside was old, used toilet guts. The rubber flap was ripped, and the pipes inside the box had water marks on them and were obviously used. I refused to take it back, and told her that it was used and I couldn't refund her any money. Jeebus. She must not have thought we were going to check!

The first person to get there this morning was off at 2, when the last person was supposed to get there. I was the "mid" and covered breaks and lunches and was the second person in between. So Molly was the last person to get there, and Dinky was the first person... the cashiers are allowed to take 15 minutes to get their tills counted out and organized before they have to punch out... one of the customers asked me what time it was after Dinky had already left, and it was 1:43! So she took way more than her allowed time to count out her till!

Because she was gone so early, there were a couple of customers in line by the time Molly got up to the front (which was a little late, since she is known to be kind of slow).Got that?

Anyway, one of the HCs made a comment about Molly not being in the front and me having a line, and I was going to mention to her about Dinky clocking out so early, but then Dinky walked up and I didn't say anything. Later, after I was sent to lunch, I met the same HC in the bathroom. She told me to keep an eye on Molly, and let her know if Molly was doing anything the wrong way. (That kind of made me laugh, since Molly has been there way longer than I, and has been a HC before, too!) It was then that I mentioned that the reason I had a line was not because Molly was late, but because Dinky had punched out so early. I even told her how I knew what time it was, so she knew I wasn't just exaggerating. The nice thing about the computer system is that she can check each cashier and see exactly what time
Dinky clocked out of her register. It's all there in black and white.

So all in all, an interesting day at work. It wasn't extremely busy, so we had a bit of time for fun, too. That's always a plus. And the weather was beautiful. I know that because I was right by the main door, and stepped outside several times on some excuse or another just to get out and enjoy the sun and the breeze. Woot!

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6 comments so far

Erianne - 2009-07-12 12:44:12
People will try just about anything when it comes to getting money back for returning something. Sometimes they're sort of pathetic about it.
LA - 2009-07-12 13:23:47
Good-bye, Noisy Neighbor! PLEASE let the door smack you in the fanny on the way out! ~LA
beyondpanic - 2009-07-12 14:04:16
Every single time I go to the Depot of Home, I think of you - every single time!! :). Last night I purchased some flowers, light bulbs, an iron and that OFF personal mosquito repeller for the Hub who is leaving for a week's camping trip.
Poolie - 2009-07-12 15:45:53
Bon Voyage, Nosy Neighbor! Skank!
terri t - 2009-07-12 16:24:02
Good news about Noisy....hope the rental office is more concerned about who rents the apt. next time. It never ceases to amaze me how dishonest people are...re the dead plants and used plumbing.....no wonder prices continue to go up...
bluesleepy - 2009-07-13 02:15:33
WOOT!! GOODBYE NOISY NEIGHBOR! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!!!

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