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Pieces of You


2009-03-18 ... 3:29 p.m.

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A new stove, and a personal delivery!

How easy was it to get my stove fixed?

ONE: Get the old stove out!

TWO: Get the new one in!

THREE: Hook up and push back!

It took one man about ten minutes to accomplish this. I was amazed. The stove isn't brand new, but refurbished. It cost less than just the part to fix the old stove... and the guy showed me where the enamel was cracking on the old one due to the extreme heat.

This morning was my errand day... I went to Henry's and Vons and to the post office. I had lots of stuff to mail, and the post office in Hillcrest is a lot less busy than the one in North Park. They have the same number of windows, but there just don't ever seem to be that many people in there. That's ok with me!

I came home and got everything put away, had a chat with one of my neighbors and I was playing Pogo when there was a knock at my door. It was the owner of the building, holding this:

For my inconvenience. What a sweet old man! He asked if the floor had been finished, and I said no, so he came in to look at it, and said he would make sure it was finished soon. Unfortunately, the only thing I have resembling a vase is the blender carafe. Oh well, it works.

Other than that, it's been a nice peaceful day. It's sunny and warm, and I totally enjoyed my day off! What more could one ask for??

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15 comments so far

Carol - 2009-03-18 22:38:04
1-2-3 easy as that, nice. I've never had a landlord that nice. Flowers make me so happy. Enjoy.
requiel - 2009-03-18 22:45:46
Wow, what a nice landlord!
Beyondpanic - 2009-03-18 22:51:36
Now go cook something on that new stove. heeheehee
Judith - 2009-03-18 23:09:16
That was a really easy installation. And what a nice landlord. Pretty flowers!
Poolie - 2009-03-18 23:41:07
art - 2009-03-18 23:44:17
Mr.Landlord is wonderful!! and flowers, too!! congratulations!! i wonder what he will bring when the floor is replaced, chocolate, maybe??
psis - 2009-03-19 01:30:29
How thoughtful--not many men would even think of doing something like that!
words-4-less - 2009-03-19 12:06:31
My question is this: Is the landlord good looking????????
margie - 2009-03-19 12:57:07
Good for you. I'm surprised how quickly he has gotten things repaired/replaced. Seems like a good place to live.
Carrie - 2009-03-19 13:48:26
How sweet!!
zucchini breath - 2009-03-19 14:16:50
hehe, blender carafe! great idea.
Sandyz - 2009-03-19 14:47:02
Love the flowers and wow, a new stove...how wonderful I have a vase...some call it a Mason Jar. For me it is just a vase...now someone needs to send me flowers, that has never happened to me. :( Sandyz
terri t - 2009-03-19 15:10:51
That was a nice "thank you" for all the inconvenience. Hope the floor is soon completely repaired. RH said to tell you that he supported the Depot of Home yesterday when he bought a combo wet/dry vac with removeable leaf blower.....and I am sure that will not be the last purchase he makes in the next few months too.
Crystal Balls - 2009-03-20 02:10:56
What a nice surprise! If he does that for the stove, what will he bring you once the floor is fixed, LOL!
Wyndspirit - 2009-05-20 04:17:24
I love appliance installers and repairmen. They make my life SO much easier!!! I'm so used to trying to do everything myself, and it's a major production when it's so simple for them. And what nice flowers! I think it's my favorite "luxury" if I can just write out a check and let somebody else do the work. The only "deliveries" I ever got from park management was notices on my door to fix my trailer.

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