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2008-11-28 ... 7:38 p.m.

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Working on Black Friday

I have worked Black Fridays before, but either in a hospital or in our old grocery store, neither of which were very busy. Not many people grocery shop the day after Thanksgiving.

The Depot of Home was busy today. They had several other cashiers from other stores, thinking they would need them. They sent them all home about noon. I got to work about 10, and while it was busy, it wasn't that bad.

But I heard there was a line outside the door when they opened at 6AM. There were lots of specials going on, but they are going on all weekend, so it's nothing anyone had to rush in for today.

I moved around a lot, too. I was on three registers in my first two hours, one of them was returns, and that was for only one customer. Then it was time for my break. I really think the problem was there were too many head cashiers working on the problem of having too many regular cashiers. I just go where they tell me, it's much easier that way.

I spent almost my entire last half of my shift out in the tree lot. They are selling two different types of trees, Douglas Fir and Noble Fir, plus wreaths and live trees in pots. And all the junk that goes with that, stands, lights, tree bags and plant food.... but it was fun.

They have the cashier set up in like a little trailer next to the area where they cut the end of the stump off a bit and trim the bottom branches. They will even put the stand on the tree if the customer wants. Then they put the netting on it, and send the customer out. It gets to be quite a production line when we are busy.

I kept busy picking up the branches and the string, and sweeping the sawing place out when they were busy with other things. It's better than just standing around.

But it was sunny this afternoon, and definitely Tshirt weather. What a lovely day! I am so lucky!

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4 comments so far

Stephanie - 2008-11-29 13:20:47
I never heard of a Noble Fir before. Google, here I come!
Poolie - 2008-11-29 16:31:28
Hopefully, you will spend more time in the tree lot....watching all the idiots tie their car doors shut with twine.
terri t - 2008-11-29 17:44:58
that sounds like a lovely day, warm enough for a t-shirt and the smell of freshly cut pine trees.
boxx9000 - 2008-11-30 01:46:27
My husband worked Black Friday. EVERY employee they have was REQUIRED to work that day. He was telling me how nice it was to FINALLY have enough employees to help the customers. We won't get our Christmas tree until the end of next week when the NEW shipment arrives at LOWE'S. Hopefully, my daughter will be having a little 8 pound delivery of her own by week's end as well?

Did you miss a piece?

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