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2008-09-18 ... 8:35 p.m.

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A garden kind of day

I didn't have to work today until 11:30, so I got a few errands run before I went to work. Not as many as I'd liked, but a few... that's less for me to do tomorrow. Heh.

We have this "contest" going on at work, selling 12 hour lightsticks. Those are the kind you break, and get a weird greenish glow for 12 hours. I sold 4 so far... actually, I was told the contest was between stores in the district, so it seems we are all in it together. I'm guessing that the biggest seller in each store would win something, too... one of the young kids that works there was crowing about how he sold 70 lightsticks already. I asked him who bought that many, and he said "My family". Hah! I don't care if I win, I don't see the point in selling lightsticks to people who really don't need them.

And something happened at work today, nothing bad, at least not for me. I don't know exactly what it was, but I made someone feel better by a very simple act, and it definitely changed how this person sees me. And that's all I'm saying about that.

I was begging Norma for hours again. I heard that hours are down until the end of October. That won't be a problem for me because I'm taking most of a week off for Tombstone, but until then, I am hustling for hours. It worked, too, because I picked up 16 more hours for next week, to add to my 24 scheduled. BUT!! I actually managed to get a Sunday off! Woot!!! Sunday the 28th! My first weekend day off in three months!

Although, my hopes were dashed for the "full time" thing, talking to one of the other cashiers. She's been there three months longer than I have, working 40 hours a week, and begging to be made full time, but she's been told there are no full time positions open. So I doubt I will be getting full time any time soon. That's ok, just keep letting me work 40 hours a week, I won't complain about not being full time. Much.

It was a lovely day out in the garden department. Nice and breezy, and not too warm. A great day to be outside! It wasn't very busy, either, which kind of sucked, but it was lovely anyway.

Well, I just got home, so I want to go put my PJs on and my feet up and unwind for a bit. Time to see what everyone else's day has been like. I do have some pictures to post, but they are still in my camera. Maybe I'll show them tomorrow.

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6 comments so far

art - 2008-09-19 04:41:21
same thing happened to me, remember? working full time hours but not having full time status! avoid bennies that way!
michele - 2008-09-19 07:55:28
it's unfortunate that i don't live there cuz YOU would win that contest... i have a weird 'fetish' for those glow sticks (dunno why) and i'd buy 'em up to help you win. i'd buy 100 of them at least!!!!! i know that doesn't help you in real life, but at least know that you got a cheering section here in south Florida! Go, Cocoa, Go!
Blue Opal - 2008-09-19 10:51:38
I don't get the appeal of glow sticks, but whatever floats your boat. If the Depot of Home doesn't put you full time soon, there are always other options, too. Better to look for another job while you are still working so if you DO go, you can coordinate the time frames.
yankeechick - 2008-09-19 12:03:49
I know you need all the hours you can get, but you do have the good fortune of getting some bennies as Part Time. My status has officially changed from PT to FT but my hours are still running about 32-34 a week. FT is 34-40 hours a week so I'm not sure how that will work, but time will tell. It was just nice to have a decent pay check this week! And like my Manager says, don't believe what you hear unless it comes straight from him. They could still plan on making you FT soon!
Poolie - 2008-09-19 14:39:01
I will send everyone I know your way for lightsticks! I know we will need some in Tombstone!
terri t - 2008-09-19 19:25:14
Good for you in getting more hours....and I wouldn't rule out offical full-time for you either. Maybe they are grooming you for the return desk and will give you full time...Sounds like you are doing great, getting acknowledged for good work and showing that you are motivated. All great qualities for full time

Did you miss a piece?

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