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2008-11-19 ... 8:30 p.m.

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A busy work day, and broken cars

I went to bed early tonight, and would have loved to stay in bed all morning, but I had to work, and besides, it was Pogo day.

So I had my coffee while I read diaries and played some Pogo. Then it was off to work... and who should I see when I went in the employee break room but the guy who bought the bags of mulch. Apparently they didn't fire him, they must have fired someone else. So now Carol and I are trying to figure out who! Haha!

I asked for some time off when Kid comes down, since there were plenty of people working, and not enough hours to go around, but since Bob got fired (or quit) and the kid is still in the ICU, we are short cashiers again. So it looks like I may have to work some early mornings while Kid is here, but oh well. She said she doesn't care, she just wants to be in California. And at least if I have some hours, I won't be quite so broke at the end of the month, either.

I was busy most of the day at work today, it was just the last hour or so that things kind of slowed down. But I wasn't off until 6:30, and I'm sure lots of people are eating then, instead of buying lumber, saws and paint. I like being busy, the time goes so much faster!

Tonight was accident night on the streets and highways. There was one car that looked like it had been pushed by the truck behind it for a ways.. there was a trail of glass and bits of car all over the road for about a hundred feet.. and then another car off on the side of the highway that seemed pretty dented up. Thankfully, neither of them were me, and no one I know travels that direction at that time of night.

I have another day off tomorrow, and a busy one. I have lots planned... but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out about it!

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7 comments so far

Shippie - 2008-11-20 05:09:39
have a great day off! and do tell us the gossip over who REALLY got fired when ya find out. I'm starting to consider your work buddies my work buddies! LMAO
yankeechick - 2008-11-20 13:21:02
Have a wonderful day off! I have an early shift today for a change (8:30-5). Cuts into my morning blog time, but I get to come home and cook supper (she says with dripping sarcasm ;) ). Then have tomorrow off which I will spend honkered over my sewing machine :)
Audrey - 2008-11-20 13:23:55
I want to hear all the scandal from your job, too! I love that stuff!
Sherry - 2008-11-20 18:38:54
What the heck is up with you and Pogo?!
cloudy - 2008-11-20 19:25:48
I hope you are enjoying your day off.
terri t - 2008-11-20 20:42:53
Guess the good news is that you are getting plenty of work...even if you would like to have time off while your daughter is there visiting. Can't wait to hear about your day off...it sounds interesting....
art - 2008-11-20 21:04:04
watch out for them cars!! they have people attached to them, who read newspapers, put on make up, do text messaging, and most of all pick up dropped cigarettes!! these cars do this while moving at high rates of speed!! its a california phenomonom!!!

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