
summer fever - 2008-06-08 00:56:50
I hope things get finished up soon. FYI...many, many things seem to work in slow motion around here. Especially in the home improvement arena.
Poolie - 2008-06-08 00:59:04
Vegging sounds grand! Maybe duck farts later.
art - 2008-06-08 01:28:48
i know you will get work soon!!!
LA - 2008-06-08 02:28:18
A decent day all around! Except for the Tucker farts. ~LA
im2qt2kr - 2008-06-08 04:18:31
Don't know if you got it or not, but I emailed you about a job application I picked up for you.
Kathy - 2008-06-08 04:20:20
man, I hope there weren't any pictures your mom wouldn't want you to see! man, that could be a scary thing!
Carolyn - 2008-06-08 13:44:44
I am so impressed (and amazed) at how quickly you are acclimating yourself to SD. If someone were to ask me to describe you...I'd have to say "NO FEAR!" I hope you get moved and settled into your new place very soon.

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