
Terri T. - 2008-08-04 18:51:56
California Dreaming is on my mind right now. It's wonderful that you have found a place that you love and want to be for years to come. Hope you have a great week at work.
fightn4life - 2008-08-04 22:11:09
You sound happy and I am thrilled for you...keep going, Sandyz
Blue Opal - 2008-08-05 00:31:07
You know, Terri above has a point. You need background music here - it should definitely be "California Dreaming" ;)
yankeechick - 2008-08-05 10:22:22
How neat to see you do a Meme. And better yet to read your great answers!
Carolyn - 2008-08-05 12:05:02
You gotta love retail. I can remember so many times having nothing to do until about 15 minutes before we closed and then it seemed everyone in the world came in. One time it was snowing pretty heavy and a man came in just as were locking the door at closing time. I offered to help him and he said he was "just looking." Closing time came and went. We all took turns going outside to start our cars and brush the snow off the them. The man continued to roam the store. Finally, the other employees were getting pretty irritated because the snowstorm was getting worse and they wanted to get home so I (I was the store manager) asked him again if I could help him find something. He said "The road I take home is closed because of the snow, so I'm just killing time." I almost killed HIM! I told him that we were supposed to have closed a half hour ago and if he was just killing time, perhaps he should find a restaurant to do that. JERK! That was about the time that I realized that retail was NOT my gift. Soon afterwards I went back to my life as a bookkeeper. I'm always glad that I did my 6 years in retail though, because I'm a much nicer customer than I was before.

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