
Rosie - 2008-08-26 02:49:17
Don't folks like that just make you wonder? I mean, why are they so antsy? What's the big hurry? I mean, if I'm in a hurry, I'll let the cashier know why, so they don't stop to chat with the cute guy bagger or something. I've been with someone who just loses it if there is a delay, and I just want to bitch-slap them and ask them what the fuck their problem is! Of course, when I'm antsy, it's always OK, because I have a good excuse! *LOL*
Shippie - 2008-08-26 03:24:03
People like that just crack me up. When I get people like that I kill them with extra extra kindness.,.....that REALLY pisses them off! Ha! Or I'll just come right out and say that I am terribly sorry that they are clearly having such an awful day, and that I hope it gets better real soon. That pisses them off too but at least they know I'm not letting their crap ruin my day.
bluesleepy - 2008-08-26 03:35:33
Good for you for not letting Bitchy Lady get under your skin!! I don't understand why people feel the need to take out their bad moods on cashiers and people who work in other service-providing jobs. I used to get bitched at all the time when I worked at the computer store; it was INSANE. As a result, I try my best to be polite to cashiers and servers. I may not like their service (especially since every time I go to the commissary, the cashiers are too busy gossiping with one another to pay attention to the fact that I have my own bags), but I rarely say anything. I figure it's not worth it.
Blue Opal - 2008-08-26 04:02:25
Ugh - hopefully the bitchy woman gets a clue sometime soon. I guarantee you she's more miserable with herself than with anyone else whose day she ruined.
ladybug-red - 2008-08-26 13:10:56
I like being the person in line behinds those bitchy types. Then I laugh and make fun of them with the cashier. I did that just the other day in my local Depot of Home - only it wasn't Bitchy Lady it was Bitchy Man.
Joan - 2008-08-26 15:41:15
Damn some people are nuts. I hope the door hit her ass on the way out!!
Paula - 2008-08-26 17:46:32
LOL!! You just have to wonder what kind of bug crawled up in her ass that day or if the bug is inside her everyday. I'd hate to feel as agitated as that woman must feel all day long.
Dana - 2008-08-26 18:06:05
I love Jodi Picoult books. She is one of my favorites! My Sister's Keeper was a great one!
Joan - 2008-08-26 22:16:05
I deal with mean people on the phone all day. When I hang up, I always mutter, "bitch" to the phone. That seems to help.
Oozaroo - 2008-08-27 00:29:44
I am a switchboard operator and I talk to rude/stupid/mean people every day (and sometimes a nice one!)! What works for me is to give them 'the bird' while talking to them in my nicest voice, and then when I hang up, I mutter, 'Fucking idiot'. One time when I got a wrong number call on my cell phone at home, I hung up and said "Fucking idiot," as I tossed my phone aside and then looked up to see one of my daughter's church friends staring at me in horror! I said, "Sorry, I forgot I wasn't at work!"

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