
Poolie - 2008-09-24 04:38:14
Was fun chatting with you!
Blue Opal - 2008-09-24 04:49:06
The days seem shorter when you get home later, but you're not nearly as tired (or at least I wasn't.)
beauty4ashs - 2008-09-24 06:11:01
Yes, I'm okay, really. More pissed off than anything else. Some people have absolutely ATROCIOUS timing. Which is probably good, because I got mad instead of scared at the time.
im2qt2kr - 2008-09-24 06:14:44
I use to buy the "Oops" paints (ones people brought back, changed their mind about the color, etc...) regularly there to use for various home projects. Of course, with these there's no return. I got home and discovered someone had used approx. 1/2 of it, filled it back up with water, and returned it. Pretty rotten.
michele - 2008-09-24 10:35:43
At least you guys are smart enough to wait until offering the $50 off card is viable for the customer. It irks me to no end when the Target cashiers ask me if I want to save 10% off my purchase when I have less than $10 or $20!! Um, yeah. I wanna run my credit so that I may apply for a card I don't need and to save me a buck or two. Sheesh!
Joan - 2008-09-24 18:51:35
Some people are such cheaters...a couple of weeks ago I bought some ink for our HP printer at work, and when I opened it, there were two AA batteries neatly wrapped in cardboard. No ink. I guess someone had bought some ink, kept it and returned the box to the store..and it wasn't checked. How do they sleep at night? It's beyond me.
terri t - 2008-09-24 19:20:41
It's really a statement about our society when people go out of their way to cheat....they spend much more time creating the lie than if they had done the right thing to begin with. I can imagine the horror stories will only get worse now that the holidays will be coming and the economy is getting worse. Gas in our area was at $3.78 this morning....down from $3.99 last week

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