
Blue Opal - 2008-10-16 06:43:15
Woot for the full time hours if not yet the full time benefits! It may not be perfect but it's a definite step in the right direction :)
Erianne - 2008-10-16 08:06:36
Yay for the guarantee of 40 hours! Hopefully you'll get your full time slot quickly.
michele - 2008-10-16 11:08:30
I never understood how someone could become so hostile when a store tries to help them with a return and especially when technically, you guys had every right to NOT do any kind of refund or store credit. And, even more so when the guy didn't have his DL and your store STILL gave him the credit. I swear, people suck sometimes! I'm sorry you had to deal with that yesterday.
yankeechick - 2008-10-16 11:37:25
At our store, the returns are gathered and sorted into bins in a room behind Cust Svc. It included things that people give the cashiers that they have changed their minds about buying or whatever. Monday when I came back from my lunch break Karla asked me to go see if they had any returns to be restocked. Ewww. I went and they asked me to do the "Infant" bucket. Got a cart, and it was full! Put it all back, which I HATED doing then went back to Karla and asked if she was done punishing me yet?! Oh, how she laughed. The younger kids LIKE to do returns and get a break from the registers.....not me! Hopefully I won't get stuck doing that again! Yuck!!
Poolie - 2008-10-16 12:04:03
Dinner was so much fun! And I can't wait to see your hair on Friday! Be bold, grasshopper!
Joan - 2008-10-16 18:52:35
Congratulations on 40 hrs. a week! I'm betting your hair will look great too.

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