
Kathy - 2008-11-16 03:05:53
I feel so bad for you what with it being so warm and all! My gosh! You poor poor thing! If you were back here, your nose would been running with snot due to the high of 32 and the stiff wind blowing in the even colder air! I'magonnahurtyou...
Shippie - 2008-11-16 03:30:03
How scary for that kid with the asthma attack. I've got asthma myself, and have had some scary times but never that bad. Yikes! Glad you got to lunch with butthead!
Poolie - 2008-11-16 04:50:11
I get no respect! Being called "butthead" by my own niece!
Rattus Regina - 2008-11-16 05:53:32
Mmmm...Lion jealous of both you and the cap'n! =D
Sherry - 2008-11-16 14:54:29
Jeez....that poor kid (and definitely his mom!).
fightn4life - 2008-11-16 15:33:48
I left a comment yesterday and my computer went bonkers. It didn't show up. :( I spent the next four hours working on it, thank goodness I found the problem with out calling for help. ($$$) I am so glad your new life is giving you so much joy. I think of you often. Sandyz
Terri T. - 2008-11-16 17:26:31
I have to admit those warm temps sure sound good. It's cold and damp and chilly and overcast and windy here. UGH! Sounds like you might have to say something about that missing-in-action cashier if she continues to ignore your requests to help cover a checkout station.
requiel - 2008-11-16 17:54:26
Mmmmmm.....I miss the warm weather. I can't imagine how scary it would be to have an asthma attack. I'm so glad I don't have that. Poor kid.

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