
Sherry - 2008-11-22 01:26:15 sad about the nineteen year old. :(
yankeechick - 2008-11-22 01:57:06
So sad about the young man at work. Damn. I have a few older folks that come looking for me now because I am patient with them. I was always on 'guard duty' with my Mom when I would take her shopping. If anyone was impatient or rude to her, I let them have it! There's no excuse to be unkind to the elderly!
Carol - 2008-11-22 02:16:22
So sad about the young man. I have been keeping him in my thoughts and prayers and hope his family will be alright. I always liked the "old folks" and now I are one! Life is good.
bluesleepy - 2008-11-22 04:10:28
Geez, that's terrible about that young cashier. I'll keep his family in my thoughts. We went to Friendly's with my visiting friend last week, and I handed the woman $20 for my $9 bill. She asked me if I wanted a ten or a five and five ones. I told her five ones. She then handed me a ten and five ones. I returned the ten and told her she needs to give me a five, and she was totally confused. And then she was amazed I was so honest. I dunno; it just wouldn't sit right with me to take that extra $5 from her.
Mary - 2008-11-22 05:12:56
How sad for the cashier, and how awful for his family. I am the mother of an almost 19 year old and my mind just doesn't even want to go there. You're wise about the $50 opportunities. They would catch you and they would fire you, eventually. Not worth it. I figure when I finally break down and start stealing, there better be eight figures involved! (and you all realize I'm just kidding here, right?)
Poolie - 2008-11-22 05:21:33
So sad about the young man. I would love to donate. I'll talk to you soon.
shippie - 2008-11-22 13:53:56
How awful that young man died. So awful for his family too I'm sure. Glad to hear Home Depot is setting up a fund for his family. Great to hear. Your picture looks nothing like what I saw out my windows today. We had a "Snow Squall" (canadian word for blizzard) and I literally couldn't see anything but the outline of the building across the courtyard. More on the way too! Wanna come visit?? Come on, admit it! You MISS the snow!
boxx9000 - 2008-11-22 16:37:20
I can't imagine the amount of grief over the loss of a child to their parent. Makes me want to hold mine even closer. Even tho mine are 25 & 26 years old. I asked my husband if sales were OFF at work because of the economy and he told me not at all. I guess people are still fixing up their homes. "Little Old Man Day?" (hehehehe)
art - 2008-11-22 17:53:55
that is so awful about your cashier pal. i would donate if i could. my mother had the bronchial asthma but she was 42 when she passed. my condolences to his family.
Terri T. - 2008-11-22 18:47:14
I had hoped the young man would recover - but maybe his life would not have been the same anyway with all the problems he went through. Very nice that HD is matching funds, though. I often have returned money to cashiers when they gave me too much. I just feel like Karma will get me if I am not honest that way. And I have my favorite cashiers at a few stores that I always look for when I am ready to check out....and some that I try to avoid too!

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