
boxx9000 - 2008-11-24 02:30:03
44? That's Obama's number. hehehe.
iidlyyckma - 2008-11-24 02:57:27
hugs sweet pea, you didn't do a thing wrong. She signed for the cash, not you. It was her responsibility.
bluesleepy - 2008-11-24 03:01:19
If Molly made it as high as HC, then she should know the rules by now. It may have been an honest mistake, and if that's so, then maybe since the money was found, everything will be hunky-dory. It isn't your fault it happened, though; you didn't get her in trouble. I feel for you, though!
Carolyn - 2008-11-24 12:14:25
I hate it when I do something wrong or am told I've done something wrong and have no memory of it. My guess is that you put the strip bag aside because you were waiting for Molly, who never appeared. You're way too responsible to have done anything else! I hope your work day today is much easier.
terri t - 2008-11-24 17:38:53
It sounds like an honest mistake was made and thank goodness, you found the bag. I don't think anyone was upset with you at all. You are so very responsible and do your best and they know it. Anyway, it ended fine for you and you found the money and turned it in. Congratulations on the extra hours too.
Sherry - 2008-11-25 01:39:33
Yikes! So glad the $300 was found! I'm so glad I'm not in any way responsible for cash at work.
Beyondpanic - 2008-11-25 02:06:36
I must agree with Sherry! I am so thrilled not to be responsible for cash anymore. I had a boss who was convicted of stealing from our school district and he tried to blame it on his secretary. Thank God I was his secretary before that and there was no way he could have blamed me!! I hope you're feeling better now.
cosmic - 2008-11-25 05:54:08
Don't dwell on it. Not your responsibility and I am sure that if it is just the tip of the iceberg, it porbably won't bother Molly too much either. So as my sister, Carol, would say, "Put it a bubble and blow it away." Or the new saying "fagaedaboudit!!"

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