
purple chai - 2008-12-08 00:37:06
If you ever come across a musician named Jefferson Jay, it's my nephew. I know San Diego is quite large so he may be active in another part of the city, but I know he organizes and performs in a lot of concerts there.
bluesleepy - 2008-12-08 00:43:49
A mandolin orchestra?! How cool!!!
art - 2008-12-08 00:45:38
the xmas tree pic is the best!! i, too think about how many shoplifters our LP has caught!! and believe me they catchem!
Diane - 2008-12-08 10:31:23
It sounds wonderful. I love San Diego but never experienced it during Christmas. I just remember the zoo and that was something else.
cardiogirl - 2008-12-08 11:32:11
I love that imagery: "They reminded me a lot of the community band on the old Andy Griffith show." And I like the artsy quality of the Xmas trees through the chain link fence. It would probably look really cool in black and white. Every photo looks cool and artsy in b&w, don't you think?
Poolie - 2008-12-08 15:42:22
Those mountains are majestic all right. I just love them!
Terri t - 2008-12-08 16:32:26
It's wonderful that the Kid has a place to go to destress. I remember a trip to visit our relatives in Colorado. I slept from Indiana to their house with only breaks for food and bathrooms...and sleeping in a motel one night. Hope you both continue to enjoy your time together.
stepfordtart - 2008-12-08 17:23:48
Coconut custard? Ever resourceful, me!
boxx9000 - 2008-12-09 02:25:10
I heard some plane crashed in San Diego today. Was that anywhere near you?

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